Spintires MudRunner The Ridge - CODEX

Spintires MudRunner The Ridge - PC Game Download via Torrent
CODEX Full game FREE DOWNLOAD Current version TORRENT
Spintires MudRunner The Ridge is the second free addition for Spintires off-road simulator: MudRunner, which adds a lot of new content to the game. The addition adds to the game a new map with a coastal area, which is divided into two parts by a mountain range. Players who are ready to take risk can try to reduce time and cross the range, but this enterprise has every chance to fail. In addition, The Ridge adds a heavy tractor D-538 and light tractor B-6A, which can be used on any card after unlocking. A new gameplay mode Scavenging will require you to collect scattered across the map logs and deliver them to the collection point.

Mass Effect Andromeda v1.10 + All DLC - CODEX

Mass Effect Andromeda - PC Game Download via Torrent
CODEX Full game FREE DOWNLOAD Latest version TORRENT
Attentive gamers certainly have repeatedly met in the press information about the process of creating a computer novelty «Mass Effect Andromeda» that lasted for several years. And it happened: recently, the developers of the studio «BioWare» in one of their interviews announced the imminent release of this computer novelty, a torrent download that will be available in the next 2017. Not far off is the announcement of the technical characteristics of the game, so it’s not long to wait.

This game has been updated 2-12-2021, 09:24 to the latest version v1.10 + All DLC.
