Rocket League Jurassic World Car Pack - PLAZA

Rocket League Jurassic World Car Pack - PC Game Download via Torrent
PLAZA Full game FREE DOWNLOAD Current version TORRENT
The DLC of the Jurassic World Car Pack added a couple of Jeep Wrangler in variants with decals of «Jurassic Park» and «Jurassic World», as well as a heap of cosmetic content, including a new goal effect. Futuristic action, developed in the style of racing. Only the whole thing is that this is not just a race, but a race in football. Yes Yes exactly. Now the steep racing cars will race the field for the ball to quickly drive it into the goal of their opponent. Your car will have a steep, powerful engine and the most modern accelerators. You will collect various traps for your enemies, which you will blow up bombs or knock them out of the way.

Phoning Home v20180618 - PLAZA

Phoning Home - PC Game Download via Torrent
PLAZA Full game FREE DOWNLOAD Latest version TORRENT
Phoning Home is an unusual story of two robots — AYON and ANI. Playing for AYON, you will find fascinating and dangerous exploration of a new planet. Being a scout robot, you were sent to a new planet, but, during landing, your spaceship crashes. You with the tips of the artificial intelligence of the ship (KI) understand that you need to send a message to your planet to be rescued. Exploring a new planet, you find ANI — a small and a bit eccentric service robot. While exploring the open world, you must find a way to return home.

This game has been updated 14-11-2018, 13:42 to the latest version v20180618.


Pyre v1.50427 - PLAZA

Pyre - PC Game Download via Torrent
PLAZA Full game FREE DOWNLOAD Latest version TORRENT
Pyre is a new project from the creators of Bastion and Transistor. In the game you have to take the role of the exile and fight in some kind of purgatory in order to get freedom. Supergiant Studio was always famous for its visual design, Pyre was not an exception, you also have a wonderful world and a well-chosen soundtrack. Before you a great RPG, in which you collect your heroes and try to go through a difficult path to find freedom.

This game has been updated 9-11-2018, 16:56 to the latest version v1.50427.
