bit Dungeon 3 v1.03 (upd.30.05.2019)

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Latest version
bit Dungeon 3 is a classic RPG genre, which is again ready to please its many fans with the launch of the third part of the series. Here again you have to face a huge number of rivals, as well as how to explore the world in order to find useful items. The environment hides a lot of secrets and secrets that you need to reveal in order to gather all the necessary information. Coping with the main mission will not be so easy, because on your way you will meet not a small number of rivals. All enemies intend to destroy you in two accounts, which you should not allow them to use all sorts of weapons and equipment.
This game has been updated 30-05-2019, 10:34 to the latest version v1.03 (upd.30.05.2019).