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First Release
Gates of Hell is a tactical strategy that tells about the events of the Second World War, and is aimed at fans of the series «Behind Enemy Lines». Players need to conquer the sands of Africa, the snowy expanses of Russia and the blazing fire of war Europe for several campaigns, in each of which players can play for a certain side of the global conflict. The most important quality of game developers is one feature — the ability to listen to users and embody their advice and wishes in the project. What actually did the studio Barbed Wire Studios, qualitatively changing their project for the better, the changes took place in many areas — the behavior patterns of equipment and infantry, ballistics and much more. This is a worthy project that claims to be historically reliable, the genre of the game is the RTS action. Visually, the game displays the reliability of the period of the Second World War.
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Current version
Niffelheim Odins Blessing is a great RPG sandbox that can impress users with a huge drawn world with an indescribable and unique atmosphere, as well as Scandinavian mythology. Gamer will take control of the brave Viking, who happens to join the bloody battle with the demons of death. The sole purpose of the protagonist will be a victory over the demons at any cost, even if this fight will be extremely inequitable. Fortunately, according to the creators, the players will be able to pump their character, giving it a lot of new skills in the process of passing, from which it will become more powerful and more powerful, creating more fierce competition to its enemies.
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First Release
Lithium Inmate 39 Relapsed Edition — this is indi-horror game for PC. What hides our subconscious mind, what thoughts arise in our head. Well, if you are a completely healthy person and mentally balanced. And what is going on in the minds of those whose imagination draws monstrous paintings. This is what we have to find out in a game Lithium Inmate 39 Relapsed Edition. Download torrent to find yourself in a terrible and terrible world of a sick imagination. The main character of the game is a small lemur-shaped animal, with whom the sick mind positions itself. In difficult conditions he has to wade through traps and deftly dodge terrible creatures.
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First Release
The most interesting element of this game Imbroglio — are links to cards. The player cannot assemble his own universal collection — the card is selected depending on the place on the tactical grid on which the hero is currently located. Killing a certain number of opponents with its help unlocks additional effects of its action. Therefore, the key to success lies in developing specific tactics and using the capabilities available at this level of the maze.