Mashinky Build 16720656 (upd.16.12.2024)

Mashinky - PC Game Download via Torrent
Early Access FREE DOWNLOAD Latest version TORRENT

Mashinky Game Free Download Torrent

Mashinky is a brand new transport strategy game from Czech developer Jan Zeleny. Zooming through gorgeous landscapes, utilising a traditional isometric construction mode and mastering a unique board game-like gameplay, you'll find yourself immersed in the task of building your own transport empire. The goal is to create your own transport empire on a procedurally generated map. The game is a unique blend of realistic graphics combined with an isometric construction mode and boardgame-like rules. Players start the game in control of a transport company. They must lay tracks on difficult terrain, research and buy new vehicles, manage routes and compete against economic rules to make as much profit as possible by transporting passengers and various cargos. This makes for a challenging simulation game requiring the player to consider all elements of business to be successful.

NOTE. Uploaded version: 16 December 2024 [Build 16720656]. This is Full Release and latest version of game. The game is already Packaged in Installer and ready to run the game after install, read the instruction below.

Game Details

About This Game


UI Scale, Start from any era, Hi-res icons…

  • UI Scaling (You may choose the user interface size, especially handy for 4k monitors)
  • Hi-res Icons (Reworked 400 icons)
  • Start in any era (once unlocked by playing)
  • 7 new Trees
  • Restoration of old vehicles
  • New UI Scale feature
  • New 385 icons, 500+ letters
  • Added Tons of missing letters (aprox +200)
  • Automatically scale up icons that are in an old resolution (due to mods)
  • Modified icons of track modified to make them more distinguish
  • Added automatic restriction to UI Scale according to resolution / window size
  • Added possibility to start map in another era!
  • Added autodetection of max start era unlocked (you have to progress naturally to unlock more eras to start from)
  • 074 Bangle cost balanced to support start in later eras
  • Added script function GetStartEra
  • Restoration possibility (autoreplace by the same vehicle, even for unique ones. Fixed cost atm)
  • 7 new trees (+removed Acacia)

Key Features

Players can switch to an isometric construction mode inspired by the very best strategy classics. This is a grid based map where every change of traffic layout is a rewarding puzzle. You can build simple tracks connecting just two stations, or design sophisticated networks using junctions and signals to maximize efficiency and performance.

As the game progresses, you’ll need to extend and customize your transport empire. You can upgrade industry buildings, stations and depots in various ways, and improve your trains using new engines and special wagons. Each upgrade offers a unique bonus; greater capacity, new processing rules and even new cargo types. Players can develop their own strategy to suit best the network they’re building.

With the innovative viewing modes, you can ride one of your trains or watch the operation of the network you have built. You can exit construction mode at any time to dive back into the beautiful landscapes and detailing of the 3D world. You can see your track network from a different perspective, or even jump into one of your train and enjoy the ride. 

For the Early Access release, we’ve prepared first 2 eras out of 7. As EA progresses, we will introduce more eras so in the future, you’ll progress from the Age of Steam through the modern world and into the future. You’ll encounter new industries and vehicles in each era. Villages will grow to become cities, new infrastructure and upgrades will become available. It is up to you how you use these new features to build your transport empire. From humble beginnings, you’ll build a vast transport network using everything from steam power while moving cargo like coal and wood to — will be introduced to the game in the future — maglev supertrains delivering futuristic electronics.​

System Requirements


OS: Windows Vista
Processor: Dual Core 2.0 GHz
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: GeForce 750 or equivalent
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Storage: 2 GB available space


OS: Windows 7
Processor: Quad Core 2.66 GHz
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: GeForce GTX 960 or equivalent
DirectX: Version 11
Storage: 2 GB available space


Mashinky - PC Game Screenshot
Mashinky - PC Game Screenshot
Mashinky - PC Game Screenshot



1. The first thing we do is download the game’s installation files.
2. After downloaded, go to the folder and run the file «setup.exe».
3. During the installation, we specify the location on the disk where we want to install it.
4. At the end of the unpacking process, a shortcut appears on the desktop.
5. Launch the shortcut, and the games!

Download Mashinky Build 16720656 (upd.16.12.2024)

Size: 1.63 GB
Download Mashinky.Build.16720656.torrent (Downloads: )
Game Update History:
  • Mashinky v0.71.100 → Build 16720656 [ 16.12.2024 ]
  • Mashinky Build 15760698 → v0.71.100 Build 16065511 [ 02.10.2024 ]
  • Mashinky Build 13980152 → Build 15760698 (Drivers and Pilots) [ 22.09.2024 ]
  • Mashinky v0.70.767 → Build 13980152 (The third pack of vehicles) [ 08.04.2024 ]
  • Mashinky v0.70.761 → v0.70.767 [ 31.03.2024 ]
  • Mashinky v0.70.732 → v0.70.761 [ 24.02.2024 ]
  • Mashinky v0.70.696 → v0.70.732 [ 19.12.2023 ]
  • Mashinky v0.70.692 → v0.70.696 [ 12.10.2023 ]
  • Mashinky Build 11906524 → v0.70.692 [ 11.10.2023 ]
  • Mashinky v0.70.632 → Build 11906524 [ 11.09.2023 ]
  • Mashinky v0.70.596 → v0.70.632 [ 06.08.2023 ]
  • Mashinky v0.70.541 → v0.70.596 [ 29.05.2023 ]
  • Mashinky v0.70.537 → v0.70.541 [ 28.01.2023 ]
  • Mashinky v0.70.521 → v0.70.537 [ 24.01.2023 ]
  • Mashinky v28.10.2022 → v0.70.521 [ 21.12.2022 ]
  • Mashinky v0.70.541 → v28.10.2022 [ 30.10.2022 ]
  • Mashinky v0.70.494 → v0.70.504 [ 15.10.2022 ]
  • Mashinky v0.70.449 → v0.70.494 [ 04.10.2022 ]
  • Mashinky v0.70.436 → v0.70.449 [ 09.07.2022 ]
  • Mashinky v0.60.412 → v0.70.436 [ 06.07.2022 ]
  • Mashinky v0.60.410 → v0.60.412 [ 20.04.2022 ]
  • Mashinky v0.60.408 → v0.60.410 [ 12.04.2022 ]
  • Mashinky v0.60.375 → v0.60.408 [ 11.04.2022 ]
  • Mashinky v0.60.369 → v0.60.375 [ 18.02.2022 ]
  • Mashinky v0.60.335 → v0.60.369 [ 11.02.2022 ]

This game has been updated 16-12-2024, 08:35 to the latest version Build 16720656 (upd.16.12.2024).

Comments 9

Nuke 14 November 2017 06:42
Skigameco 16 November 2017 08:55
Nuke, Problems of this kind can arise because the game is at the stage of development.
Guardian of the Online Empire
Stanislav Votýpka
Stanislav Votýpka 15 August 2018 15:08
How i get crack ? :O 
Informer 6 October 2018 14:40
New Industry chain
  • 2 new cargo types: Sand and Steel.
  • New buildings: Sand quarry with 2 upgrades and Steelworks with 3 upgrades.
  • New building recipes and Factory upgrade to process steel into tokens and goods.
  • Oil refining process rebalancing including oil wells upgrade to make more oil tokens.
New Quests 
  • 7+ new quests, 2 old quests improved and modified Era quest.
  • We've also finished the brand new internal script director so it is possible to add more quests easier.
New Engines and Wagons
  • Since we are in an advanced diesel age, there are new 4 fast diesel engines.
  • Also we've added 4 new unique engines as a quest reward (reskinned old types, but one is really unique & awesome). There is also one new rare quest wagon.
  • There are new sand / steel wagons but there is also new iron wagon requested by the community.
New Map
  • One biggest carefully prepared map called Island
  • Updated all maps with 4th era industry locations
New Features
  • Buildings now have onboard cameras (172 camera positions for all buildings and building upgrades so you can climb up the chimney and look around or even take
    a look inside one or two buildings).
  • Now you can easily duplicate any train either stopped inside the depot or running
  • Vehicle's (or building's) onboad cameras now have directions and better transition between cameras itself.
Minor improvements
  • Many script functions for possibility to make quests even more interesting and novelty (already used for 4th era quests).
  • Rendering is now capable to cut holes into the ground for specific building parts (used for sand quarry).
  • Engines and wagons rebalancing.
  • There is also message when you send train to a depot and it finally reaches
    the destination :)
  • Many fixes including some pathfinding, autorouting, signals, quests, visuals, post office generating, kph/mph conversions, quest text alignment with buttons and icons. 
  • Splash window always starts on primary monitor and fixed prefered monitor index (for cases where removed or switched monitors).
  • and much more.
Skigameco 11 October 2018 07:05
Fixes and optimization

  • There are 3 areas I've improved performance (On screen news, bit arrays used for various AI and signals alghoritms and computation of train wheels position).
  • Sometimes old saves didn't get any of new quests
  • When cloning unavailable trains
  • Game creates SAVES directory if not exists
  • Potential fixes for rare corrupted saving bug
  • Wrong onboard camera directions when train flipped
  • Removing tool removes also high speed track stations
  • Rare crash with selecting / removing building
  • Adding upgrades to more than 256 stations used
  • Rare issue with era quests 
  • Crash when removing station still present in a route list
  • Storage full message cool-down prolonged 5->15 minutes, train lost starving message prolonged 1->3 minutes
  • New localized texts version
  • Bangle model flipped 
  • Bulldozer sound tuned down by ~9dB
  • Too much snow on rails and roads
Guardian of the Online Empire
Skigameco 30 October 2018 06:02
Full change log here:
  • Added: Bridge signals
  • Modified: Ruined church model 
  • Modified: New texts version
  • Modified: New scripts iteration
  • Modified: Enabled Turn around on the end of platform
  • Modified: New grass colors, New grass/snow/rock mask texture
  • Modified: New raycasting used for removing track, upgrading track, placing signals
  • Optimized: Loading saved games
  • Fixed: start with 0 money when quests turned off 
  • Fixed: Invisible locomotives 
  • Fixed: Signals search distance when updating their status
  • Fixed: "Adding to routelist" cancels other tools
  • Fixed: Crash after loading saved game or after town grow
  • Fixed: Removing multiple tracks with one-way signals
  • Fixed: Terrain editing restrictions around tunnels
  • Fixed: Crash when loading "Trainspotting" quest vehicles
  • Fixed: High speed track snow mask
Guardian of the Online Empire
Skigameco 14 November 2018 08:25
Improved shaders, sea reflections, fixes and more.

Main updates:
  • Sea reflections
  • Shadows improvements
  • "Turn around" button force train to stop, turn around and continue
  • Town size and number of depot / station / building upgrades visible in map icon
  • Fixed Green signal issue when upgrading track
  • Fixed Building tunel "under sea level" issue
  • Fixed Upgrading / Removing parallel track under the bridge
Complete changelog:

  • Shadow blur pass (bilateral filtering via depth difference)
  • Sea reflection (bridges, tracks, buildings, trees, vehicles)
  • Optimized: Sea Reflection (portal reflecting frustum culling)
  • "Turn around" button in train window force train to stop, turn around and start again
  • Showing town population and number of building / depot / station upgrades directly in map icons
  • First version of sea reflections optimization (per tile sea level/portal reflected frustum culling) (WIP)
  • Upgrade tab icon
  • Icons for upgrade and industry changed in tool bar and main menu
  • Snow brightness is more subtle
  • Path-finding Issue
  • Wrong Green signal (potential train accidents when modifing track)
  • Trees Shadow in winter (without fallen leaves)
  • Postponed quests fixed (it happend that they never come back)
  • Tool bar state reset after load (cinstruction mode, game speed) 
  • Endless loop when loading save file ingame
  • Valley bottoms raised to allow tunnel under 
  • Loading specific savefile 
  • Upgrading / removing parallel track under the bridge 
  • Bridge half pylons issue
  • Sea shadow noise 
  • Sea reflections text in setup window
Guardian of the Online Empire
  • All tracks returns full price once removed (so player can get tokens back by removing track) 
  • Train chooses depot exit according to its track type (for bug depot with multiple exits)
  • Multiexit depots are possible now even for one-depot mode (you may place multiple depots chunked together)
  • Upgrade also to basic track (downgrade from any track type to basic one) 
  • Generator places buildings closer to map edge - up to 5 tiles instead of 5%
  • Params for all new vehicles and wagons, several iterations, balancing
  • Better clipping for plants, smooth terrain chunks and grass
  • Faster Generating new map and Loading savegame
  • GPU loop issue, fullscreen switching (not verified all occurrence yet)
  • Wring UI text size computation (caused empty space in missing mods list window)
  • Grass length, wrong clipping, added some grass on rocks
  • Flickering when rendering large buildings far from camera
  • Unable to load the game when some mods are missing and others are dangerous
  • Train does not skip waypoints when right after full unload / load 
  • Removed unnecessary whitespaces at the beginning and end of mod name
  • Dithering lod transition
  • Some Script issues
  • Clipping of grass and fields near the bottom screen edge
  • Terrain type names
  • Map generating issue (caused slow down of generating)
  • Sea foam rendering
  • Grass & Fields mask where bridge ends, also for station and station upgrades
  • Correct upgrade cost (take track sell cost also into account) 
  • Removed gravel under town buildings, used grass and gravel paths instead 
  • Using enter when missing mods window appear no more break the loaded game 
  • Crash / corrupted far geometry after map edit
  • Depot refresh after upgrading track inside
  • Tons issues with glass and fields when implementing them :)
Guardian of the Online Empire
Skigameco 8 April 2024 05:36
Detailed changelog:
3rd era
Blitz truck for Goods
Blitz truck for Sand
Blitz truck for Mail
4th era
Bach 302 Bus
Zilon truck for Logs
Zilon truck for Wood planks
Zilon truck for Steel
Trambus truck for Coal
Trambus truck for Crude oil
Trambus truck for Sand
5th era
Metropolitan Bus
Wack truck for Coal
Wack truck for Iron ore
Wack truck for Steel
Wack truck for Limestone
Ania truck for Cement
Fixed animated doors of road depot
Merged locomotive into another train is properly unbind from its shared routelist
Fixed clipping of cargo type filter in depot window
Fixed wrong shortcut in driver mode
Fixed vehicles sharp yank when entering new road tile
Fixed clipped destinations visualization in vehicle info window
Fixed crash in some circumstances (reproduced on 150+ mods active)
Guardian of the Online Empire
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