Anarchy Wolfs law v0.9.978.1712 (upd.23.12.2024) - TENOKE

Anarchy Wolfs law — according to the plot, you are in an alternative science fiction universe. The action takes place in the future, and your character is an employee of the industrial zone, who must defend his territory. You will have to constantly fight with enemies and mutants who climb on your land in order to ensure the safety of your branch, moreover, in parallel you need to take new orders for production and expand your borders, and with them your powers. The more enemies you destroy, the more buildings you make, the stronger you will become, which means that your main character will acquire more skills. This is a very dynamic strategy shooter for those who have good intuition as well as economic thinking. But the main feature of the game is not in this. You can invite other people to join you and fight alongside you to claim territory as well.
This game has been updated 23-12-2024, 07:32 to the latest version v0.9.978.1712 (upd.23.12.2024).