Potions A Curious Tale v1.0.2.0 (upd.24.04.2024) - TENOKE

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Potions A Curious Tale is not about brute force. Ingenuity and ingenuity reign here. Create over 100 unique potions, each boasting special effects and elemental combinations. Use these potions strategically to overcome obstacles and outsmart your enemies. Don’t just fight, explore! Discover hidden ingredients and secret recipes as you travel through enchanting landscapes. The world is buzzing with discoveries and waiting for curious minds to unravel them. Behind the enchanting gameplay lies a fascinating story. Join Luna on her journey of self-discovery as she faces growing up, deception, and learns valuable life lessons.
This game has been updated 24-04-2024, 07:41 to the latest version v1.0.2.0 (upd.24.04.2024).