Vestaria Saga 2 The Sacred Sword of Silvanister

Vestaria Saga 2 The Sacred Sword of Silvanister — is a series of strategic role-playing games where positioning, movement, and weapons are critical to success. Move your heavily armed squads across the grid map in classic style and battle pirates, rebels, monsters, Imperial soldiers and anyone else who stands in your way. After a ship carrying a Solvian Imperial diplomat was mistakenly set on fire in Meledian waters, the Solvian Emperor Manneus declared war on the island kingdom. Led by the famous general Ajax, the imperial troops of Solvia soon invaded the Meledian shores. After Meleda suffered a critical defeat at the Battle of Frist, the Empire quickly swooped in to capture the royal capital of Regina.
This game Vestaria Saga 2 The Sacred Sword of Silvanister will soon be available for torrent download on Skidrow Game Reloaded website. This is only the announcement of the game, where you can see the screenshots, watch the trailer, and read the description.