The Sapling v11.30 (upd.28.04.2024)

The Sapling - PC Game Download via Torrent
Early Access FREE DOWNLOAD Latest version TORRENT

The Sapling — is a typical sandbox without any specific goals or imposed tasks. Just create, have fun, and watch the life of what you created. But remember, each of your actions or decisions will affect how your creation will change. As for the gameplay as a whole, it is really interesting here. But conditionally the whole process can be divided into two stages. The first stage is to create the conditions and the object of study. You can create the conditions in which the object of observation will later live, and then you can create an animal or plants, or all at once. Moreover, the most beautiful thing is that you can do it the way you yourself consider it necessary.

This game has been updated 28-04-2024, 18:42 to the latest version v11.30 (upd.28.04.2024).
