Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising v1.62 (upd.23.11.2024) - TENOKE

Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising - PC Game Download via Torrent

Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising — it’s time for a real challenge. After all, here is an updated sequel, which is even better than before. For example, simplified input options have appeared, allowing even beginners to take part in exciting matches. Meet the latest part of a fairly popular game series! Where you can try your luck in an original fighting game that will appeal to both beginners and veterans of this genre. Simply put, you will attend the party and receive your crown. Tired of constant matches. Then perhaps you’d like to take a little break and visit the amazing island lobby? In addition, you can even immerse yourself in battles with other players online.

This game has been updated 23-11-2024, 11:40 to the latest version v1.62 (upd.23.11.2024).


Granblue Fantasy Relink v1.3.2 (upd.07.07.2024) Special Edition

Granblue Fantasy Relink - PC Game Download via Torrent
Full game FREE DOWNLOAD Latest version TORRENT

Granblue Fantasy Relink is an adventure in the vastness of the Heavenly Kingdom, where islands float among the vast azure expanses. As the captain of a skyship, you’ll embark on a journey full of mystery, magic and camaraderie. Together with your faithful companions, such as the energetic dragon Virn and the mysterious Lyria, you will go to Estalucia a mythical island shrouded in legends. You have to assemble a team of four people, which will include a variety of sky wanderers who own unique weapons and fighting styles. No matter how you prefer to fight slash, shoot, or shower with hexes there is a character in the game to suit your style. Teamwork is paramount, and features like chain attacks and chain explosions allow for stunning, coordinated attacks.

This game has been updated 7-07-2024, 07:38 to the latest version v1.3.2 (upd.07.07.2024) Special Edition.


Little Noah Scion of Paradise v1.40 (upd.23.02.2023)

Little Noah Scion of Paradise - PC Game Download via Torrent
Full game FREE DOWNLOAD Latest version TORRENT

Little Noah Scion of Paradise — join the genius alchemist Noah and her cat companion Zipper, who explore the ancient ruins to uncover the secrets hidden inside. Create unique teams and combos with more than 40 allies in this easy but addictive game. Port Manclaud is a nation that owes its power and prosperity to its alchemists. Noah, a prodigy alchemist, travels the skies in his airship when he discovers mysterious soaring ruins. When she comes closer to explore, the cat jumps aboard. The cat accuses Noah of stealing the tombs and causes a storm that destroys her ship. In need of spare parts to repair his ship, Noah, driven by curiosity, enters the ruins.

This game has been updated 23-02-2023, 10:49 to the latest version v1.40 (upd.23.02.2023).
