Terminator Resistance v1.0.60d + Annihilation Line - CODEX

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Terminator Resistance — is a grandiose shooter, the events of which unfold during the War of the Future, when the rebel cars launched attacking actions against people. The actions of the game repeat the key moments of the eponymous series of films. You have to go to post-apocalyptic Los Angeles, when about 30 years have passed since Judgment Day. People continue to fight against mechanical monsters, but so far the advantage is not on their side. Skynet, which is a perfect artificial intelligence, is trying to destroy the remnants of humanity, however, for the successful outcome of the entire war, it must kill several key figures. Among the goals of Skynet is your hero — Jacob Rivers, a simple soldier of the Resistance. For some reason, the guy, along with the legendary John Connor, was under the gun of a powerful mind, and now he must save his life with all his might.
This game has been updated 9-02-2022, 17:58 to the latest version v1.0.60d + Annihilation Line.