Full game
First Release
Game Train Station Simulator, download torrent which is available for free, is a project where elements of construction and management are combined. Show yourself as a creative engineer, designing the station and its design, not forgetting about the mandatory evacuation plan.
Full game
Current version
Homeworld Deserts of Kharak is a prequel to the popular strategy, which enjoyed great popularity among gamers and earned a lot of high marks. The previous part was performed in a fantastic setting — the battles took place in the depths of the cosmos, filled with serenity and peace. Now the style of fights and location has undergone significant changes — the place of action is a desert planet, and in battles an astonishing amount of military equipment is used. Entourage did not lose full-fledged cosmic landscapes — the only liquidated dimension was the height. Instead, the project acquired detailed maps, which contain the most massive battles.