Hearts of Iron IV Waking the Tiger - CODEX

Hearts of Iron IV Waking the Tiger - PC Game Download via Torrent
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A new addition to the global strategy of Hearts of Iron 4, focused on the Asian front of World War II and adding new game options. Waking the Tiger adds a national tree of tricks for China, which will allow you to lead to the victory of the Republic of China or communist China. In the game there are modified tree tricks for Germany and Japan, giving a chance to overthrow Hitler in the main power of the Axis or to restore democracy in the Land of the Rising Sun. With the release of the complement, you can put at the head of several Field Marshal armies, so you will be able to better coordinate the movements of large groups of troops, and you can use the political force to make national decisions. In addition, the addition adds the ability to pick up equipment from the battlefield, use avikorpusa volunteers, acclimatize troops and do much more.