The Invisible Hours - SKIDROW

The Invisible Hours - PC Game Download via Torrent
The Invisible Hours — non-linear adventure game in virtual reality, in which to investigate the murder of Nikola Tesla. The game is inspired by Christopher Nolan’s film «Prestige» and Agatha Christie’s play «And No One Has Been». A group of people arrives at the mansion who received invitations inviting them to atone for their sins. Arriving guests found the owner of the house, Nikola Tesla, killed, and now everyone was under suspicion. The Swedish detective takes on this intricate matter, and the story will be conducted on his behalf. The player must carefully examine the mansion in search of evidence and clues that will help you to collect all the clues together and find the real killer. It will not be easy to do this, every minute keeps you away from the truth, because all the characters live their lives while you are looking for clues, and the villain covers his tracks and eliminates witnesses.

Sword Art Online Lost Song v20181224 - CODEX

Sword Art Online Lost Song - PC Game Download via Torrent
CODEX Full game FREE DOWNLOAD Latest version TORRENT
The Lost Song story is a direct sequel to the previous game, Sword Art Online Hollow Fragment, which included the first two franchise projects. That is, the events of early and anime adaptations for it do not exist in principle. After winning the deadly network game and getting out of there alive, our motley company of heroes returns to virtual reality after completing a rehabilitation course and having worn out from physical exhaustion — after all, when they were in SAO, they lived on life support devices like comatose patients, with the result that muscles and vestibular apparatus It took a long time to bounce back. The new world that Kirito’s associates have chosen for themselves is ALfheim Online.

This game has been updated 27-12-2018, 06:09 to the latest version v20181224.
