On The Verge II v1.5 (upd.29.07.2020) - HOODLUM

On The Verge II - PC Game Download via Torrent
On The Verge II — is a custom game that was developed and released on the second try. The developer was a young guy who, in his school years, decided to create a game of his own production, the first part of this project turned out with low graphics and flaws. Now, the situation has improved a lot and you can enjoy the story of the main character. He is a young Russian guy who ran into a maniac, or a ghost, you need to figure this out. The game is very varied. It has Jigsaw-style puzzles, shooter elements and a bit of a horror game.

Dual Gear v0.084 (upd.29.07.2020)

Dual Gear - PC Game Download via Torrent
Early Access FREE DOWNLOAD Latest version
Front Mission gained immense popularity in its time and showed that even simple turn-based battles can contain a strong storyline. interesting gameplay and does not bother the player even after replaying. But, this game series quickly collapsed, and no one else tried to repeat the success of this direction, however, not until today. A small independent company called Orbital Speed has announced Dual Gear, which will continue the amazing adventure of mechanical robots with turn-based combat modes. Naturally, we are waiting for a new universe, new robots, new characters and much more. But the fact of the appearance of such a game project cannot but rejoice, since this game direction is beginning to draw attention to itself.

Ageless Build 5318247 (upd.29.07.2020)

Ageless - PC Game Download via Torrent
Early Access FREE DOWNLOAD Latest version TORRENT
Ageless — is an exciting adventure that takes you to the vastness of a fairy-tale world, equipped with unique and very interesting locations. You must be ready to face various unpredictable events, mysteries and riddles, which are not so easy to solve as it might seem at first glance. Sometimes you will encounter real danger, and in such a situation you need to act as quickly as possible, but at the same time deliberately.

Kingdom Under Fire Heroes Update 4 - PLAZA

Kingdom Under Fire Heroes - PC Game Download via Torrent
PLAZA Full game FREE DOWNLOAD Latest version TORRENT
Kingdom Under Fire Heroes — is a prequel to the 2005 Kingdom Under Fire The Crusaders game. In terms of gameplay, the game has not undergone significant changes players are again waiting for a mixture of action and real-time strategy with role-playing elements. You take control of several units, ranging from the simplest, such as infantry, archers, spearmen and horse archers, to more complex and advanced ones. In Heroes there are also four new types of troops with elements of the elements: ice maidens, earth golems, electric rhinos and fire ghosts. In addition, it should be noted the appearance in the game of new characters, new campaigns and units, as well as improved battle rules and an improved multiplayer mode.

This game has been updated 29-07-2020, 08:07 to the latest version Update 4.
