Until Dawn v1.08 (upd.06.12.2024)

Until Dawn is an interactive movie with high replayability. There are 8 main characters: Emily, Samantha, Ashley, Joshua, Matthew, Christopher, Michael, Jessica. You can and should play for all the characters. The user’s actions will determine which of them will ultimately survive. You can make it so that everyone is saved or dies. The story begins with the arrival of friends on the Canadian Mount Washington in winter. The young people gathered to relax in a cottage in Blackwood Pines. Josh’s two sisters — Hannah and Beth — leave the building and after a series of mystical events die, falling off a cliff. However, their bodies were never found. A year later, their brother invited everyone else to the same cabin.
This game has been updated 6-12-2024, 09:55 to the latest version v1.08 (upd.06.12.2024).