Shadows of Forbidden Gods Build 13696589 (upd.12.03.2024)

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Shadows of Forbidden Gods — is the sequel to Shadows Behind the Throne 2, a text apocalypse simulator that combines the best elements and discarded the worst. This is a strategy game in which you play the role of a Lovecraftian god who has come to destroy the human world using various destructive approaches to the total extinction of humanity or worse. Cause plague and famine, ice age and volcanic destruction, madness and endless night, and other misfortunes. Play as both God and his agents, infiltrating and pitting human kingdoms against each other, fighting or bribing heroes who will take up arms to defend their lands.
This game has been updated 12-03-2024, 09:45 to the latest version Build 13696589 (upd.12.03.2024).