Dungeon Munchies v1.4.0.22 upd.27.07.2022 - SKIDROW

Early Access
Latest version
Dungeon Munchies is a unique 2D role-playing game, with an emphasis on hunting creatures, cooking them and eating food to get certain abilities. The combination of dishes that you choose to eat will affect your entire playing style. Bizarre creatures thirsting for human flesh, roam this vast underground city. Cooperate with professional chef Simmer and learn the art of cooking create powerful dishes of flesh and organs. Sharpen your knives and light these ovens, start hunting for your food. You have been reborn in a massive underground complex, and you must leave this quaint object. With the help of the undead Necro-chef, your goal is to survive.
This game has been updated 27-07-2022, 19:38 to the latest version v1.4.0.22 upd.27.07.2022.