Escape The Manor Update 1 (upd.31.01.2020) - PLAZA

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Escape The Manor a horror game that has good graphics, a great storyline and a great idea. One idea is naturally not enough, but the developers were able to translate all their thoughts into real virtual life. A survival game with a first-person view where you need to complete one single mission is to leave the old and dangerous house through the central door. Do not think that everything is so simple, first of all you need to explore all the rooms and corridors in order to collect artifacts, those objects that are part of the puzzle, by solving which you could exit through the main entrance. So, each of your movements is very audible to ghosts, so you need to walk as quietly as possible every step by step, and explore the estate. You have only 5 lives to complete the survival mission.
This game has been updated 31-01-2020, 12:14 to the latest version Update 1 (upd.31.01.2020).