Sand A Superfluous Game v0.7.1 upd.24.08.2022

Sand A Superfluous Game - PC Game Download via Torrent
Early Access FREE DOWNLOAD Latest version TORRENT

Sand A Superfluous Game is an RPG game with elements of survival, where the world is open to conquest and exploration. The external component of the game is unremarkable, but this only complements the overall atmosphere, making it completely unique. There are plenty of opportunities for the user and dynamic gameplay, with which you definitely will not be bored. Before you open our huge planet, but in the future. The future will not be the most pleasant, since the surface of the Earth has become a real ruin field of the fall of an asteroid. Most of our vast planet has said goodbye to life and only a few managed to survive.

This game has been updated 24-08-2022, 16:25 to the latest version v0.7.1 upd.24.08.2022.
