Pantropy upd.28.06.2021

Pantropy - PC Game Download via Torrent
Early Access FREE DOWNLOAD Latest version TORRENT
Pantropy — is a sci-fi setting where survival is the main focus of the gameplay. The presented project was developed by Russian developers from the Brain Stone studio. The game has a rich and open world for free exploration, there is a system for crafting items, and mechanical drones and other robots roam the locations. There are also nuclear reactors, laser cannons, battle mechs, and many other futuristic pieces. This project is positioned as a multi-user sandbox with an innovative anti-raid system. The latter takes effect when the player leaves the virtual world. The presence of high technology should not give players the idea that they will not need to extract resources with a hammer, ax and pickaxe, as in the game Rust, for example. On the contrary, it is very necessary, but it will be possible to do this through high-tech devices.