Scarlet Tower v2.0.2 (upd.20.11.2024)

Scarlet Tower - PC Game Download via Torrent
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In Scarlet Tower, players have to take control of brave hunters who will hunt down and destroy crowds of evil spirits and other monsters that live in a fantasy world, thus earning their living. You will enjoy the gameplay mechanics, made in the form of an action RPG with roguelike elements. You need to pump up your character and gradually strengthen his combat characteristics and equipment, and also face creatures in battles using a wide range of skills. Gamers in Scarlet Taver will have to go on forays during the day and night to deal with insidious opponents. Users have to use a variety of relics, find new companions and familiars, and much more. He will be able to extract valuable loot from defeated opponents, dealing with a large number of difficult situations that will be generated randomly at levels due to the roguelike random system.

This game has been updated 20-11-2024, 15:30 to the latest version v2.0.2 (upd.20.11.2024).
