Imperator Rome v2.0.4 (upd.25.04.2024) - RUNE

Imperator Rome - PC Game Download via Torrent
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Imperator Rome Game Free Download Torrent

Imperator Rome — a new strategy from the masters of their craft, namely from the company Paradox Interactive. The events of the game, according to its name, will unfold in the ancient era. As stated by the developers themselves, the time span covers the period from the heyday of Athens and ends with the creation of the powerful Roman Empire. There is every reason to believe that the single-player campaign will start in 303 BC, after the death of commander Alexander the Great and before the decisive battle of Diadochow. The campaign will last 4 centuries.

As for the gameplay, in Imperator Rome, the player will be able to control the central characters, various combat tactics, authentic military traditions, several types of governments, a heterogeneous population of cities, trade, as well as fighting barbarians and suppressing uprisings. At the disposal of the player will be the main characters who will lead the nation, take control of the provinces, will lead the army and navy. As the charges represented a variety of historical actors, among which are the Roman governor of Naples. Citizens, communities, tribes and slaves all populations have their own unique culture and religion. Types of groups of people form a holistic population, and you need take into account the needs of each segment of society in order to avoid rebellion.

NOTE. Uploaded version: 25 April 2024 [v2.0.4]. This is Full Release and latest version of game. The game is already Packaged in ISO File and ready to run the game after install, read the instruction below.

  • Imperator Rome Hellenistic World Flavor Pack
  • Imperator Rome Epirus Content Pack
  • Imperator Rome Deluxe Edition Upgrade Pack
  • Imperator Rome Complete Soundtrack
  • Imperator Rome Art Book + Wallpapers
  • Imperator Rome The Punic Wars Content Pack
  • Imperator Rome Magna Graecia Content Pack
  • Imperator Rome Heirs of Alexander Content Pack

Game Details

About This Game


​The storyline company begins in 303 BC. After the death of Alexander of Macedon, the empire he created disintegrates into separate parts, headed by Alexander’s generals. While between them there is a swara for the heritage of the great commander, in Italy the young state of Rome is gaining strength, having succeeded in conquering the neighboring tribes of the Sabineans, the Volca and the Etruscans. You have to lead this state and hold it through 4 centuries. In the game you will have to control several main characters who are the rulers of Rome. Your task will be to manage your state, establish economic and trade relations with your neighbors, train the army and navy, research technology, defend the frontiers from attacks by barbarians, as well as restore order inside the state, that is, suppress revolts and riots. Governance of the provinces, legions and detachments of ships is made the main characters, each of which has a number of their own skills. Practically all of them are real historical figures who lived and ruled at various times of the Roman Empire.​

System Requirements


Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
OS: Windows® 7 Home Premium 64 bit SP1
Processor: Intel® iCore™ i3-550 or AMD® Phenom II X6 1055T
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: Nvidia® GeForce™ GTX 460 or AMD® Radeon™ HD 6970


Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
OS: Windows® 10 Home 64 bit
Processor: Intel® iCore™ i5- 3570K or AMD® Ryzen™ 3 2200G
Memory: 6 GB RAM
Graphics: Nvidia® GeForce™ GTX 660 or AMD® Radeon™ R9 380


Imperator Rome - PC Game Screenshot
Imperator Rome - PC Game Screenshot
Imperator Rome - PC Game Screenshot



1. The first thing we do is download the game’s installation files. 
2. Mount or burn the ISO image in the disk emulator (UltraISO program). 
3. During the installation, we specify the location on the disk where we want to install it. 
4. Wait until the installation process is complete, a shortcut will appear on the desktop.
5. Copy the contents of the folder «CODEX» in the folder with the game. 
6. Start the game.

Download update only: Imperator.Rome.Heirs.of.Alexander.Update.v2.0.3-CODEX [ 308.2 MB ]
Download update only: Imperator.Rome.Magna.Graecia.Update.v1.5.0-CODEX [ 219.6 MB ]
Download update only: Imperator.Rome.Update.v1.3.2-CODEX [ 18.7 MB ]
Download update only: Imperator.Rome.Update.v1.3.0.incl.DLC-CODEX [ 134.8 MB ]

  • Includes the following new DLC:
    • Imperator Rome — The Punic Wars Content Pack

Download Imperator Rome v2.0.4 (upd.25.04.2024) - RUNE

Size: 2.9 GB
Game Update History:
  • Imperator Rome v2.0.3 → v2.0.4 (RUNE RELEASE) [ 25.04.2024 ]
  • Imperator Rome v2.0 → v2.0.3 [ 09.04.2021 ]
  • Imperator Rome v1.5.0 → v2.0 (Heirs of Alexander) [ 16.02.2021 ]
  • Imperator Rome v1.4 → v1.5.0 [ 11.08.2020 ]
  • Imperator Rome v1.3.2 → v1.4 (Magna Graecia) [ 31.03.2020 ]
  • Imperator Rome v1.3.0 → v1.3.2 [ 17.12.2019 ]
  • Imperator Rome v1.2.0 → v1.3.0 [ 03.12.2019 ]
  • Imperator Rome v1.1.1 → v1.2.0 [ 24.09.2019 ]
  • Imperator Rome v1.1.0 → v1.1.1 [ 03.07.2019 ]
  • Imperator Rome v1.0.3 → v1.1.0 [ 26.06.2019 ]
  • Imperator Rome v1.0.2 → v1.0.3 [ 16.05.2019 ]
  • Imperator Rome v1.0.1 → v1.0.2 [ 09.05.2019 ]

This game has been updated 25-04-2024, 20:32 to the latest version v2.0.4 (upd.25.04.2024).

Comments 11

Skigameco 26 April 2019 04:24
Added link to update 1!
Guardian of the Online Empire
1.0.1 Demetrius Patchnotes

# Gamebalance
- Tweaked Mercenaries to be less numerous and a bit more spread out.
- Country Capital now has one extra building slot.
- Fortifications in capitals are now normal buildings, and not something that magically appear. First level is still free.

# AI
- Fixed disloyal generals being overly helpful and attacking enemy armies.
- Fixed AI not attacking rebels/barbarians.
- Fixed reserve objective behaving rather offensively.
- Reworked AI reconnaissance objective to patrol on borders rather than around a point.
- Army and fort maintenance is auto set to normal maintenance on outbreak of war.

# Interface
- Fix to naval combat interface martial skill icon overlap.
- Fixed top-right corner of topbar visually overlapping score indicator.
- Added truces to diplomatic mapmode.
- Tweaked Combat Prediction Indicator to be more accurate.
- Adjusted default UI scaling.
- Tactics view is now scrollable when it needs to be.

# Performance
- Optimized daily tick to improve stuttering
- Added option to run a benchmark. Use the launch options with ‘-benchmark’ to run a ~4 minute benchmark, testing GPU & CPU.
Guardian of the Online Empire
1.0.2 Cunctator Patchnotes

# Bugfixes
- Fixed not being able to take adjacent provinces in peace deals
- Fixed crash relating to reloading active combats in Ironman save
- Fixed achievements not unlocking properly. This affects "Cincinnatus", "The Besieger", "Pax Aeterna", "Antipater's Dream", "To the End of the World" and "The Man who would be King"
Guardian of the Online Empire
pepy 20 June 2019 14:28
hi, there is some new update for imperator rome: Pompey Update beta, so is it possible to put the link here? :) Thx
Skigameco 26 June 2019 08:31
Update v1.1.0: Pompey Patch notes  Bugfixes
The features of this free update include:
Dual Rulers: The historic second consuls of Rome and suffetes of Carthage are now represented in these republics, and a monarch’s spouse contributes to the rule of the kingdom.
Heritage: Nations now have traditional profiles that reflect their historic strengths, adding more differentiation between nations.
Naval Combat: More types of ships and new tactical options for combat, similar to those available on land.
Naval Range: Ships can travel a limited distance from a friendly port before suffering attrition. This attrition can be reduced by inventions.
Pirates: Pirates now operate from a pirate haven in a specific province. Clearing out this base will reduce pirate activity for a while. Also, pirates may now be hired as mercenaries.
Release Subjects: Reduce unrest by ceding limited independence to provinces that do not like your rule.
Province Improvements: Cities can build special projects that come with major permanent bonuses, crafting a major metropolis for your realm.
Stability Rework: Stability is now a 100 point scale (base of 50) with corresponding bonuses and penalties along the range.
New Government Interactions: Give a specific family greater power, call a War Council in times of emergency
Navigable Rivers: Fleets can now sail the great rivers of the region (Nile, Tigris and Euphrates) opening up new military strategies.
New Commander Traits: Admirals and generals earn new traits while leading forces.
Move Capital: Relocate your national center of power or provincial capitals.
New Events: New event chains, including flavor events for Rome, Italy and Carthage. New events related to military commanders and slavery.
Guardian of the Online Empire
Update v1.1.1:
- The frequency of Caught Red Handed event has been reduced.
- Characters will once again lose citizenship upon moving to a foreign country.
- Warscore gained from battles has been raised significantly.
- Earthquakes have been toned down in destructive potential.
- Achievements are once again able to be earned through GoG and MS Store versions of the game.
- Unit abilities will no longer have the wrong Military Tradition requirement.
- Opening the mercenary window will no longer cause crashes when playing on Mac.
- The DLC tab has been restored to the launcher.

Guardian of the Online Empire
Skigameco 3 December 2019 07:42
Update v1.3.0: 
- New Mission System. The player can at any time pick one out of up to 3 missions. Each mission is a tree that is composed by a number of tasks. Tasks can be timed or instant and some branches of the tree can be exclusive to one another.
- Added Dynamic and Procedural Missions for conquest for all countries in the game.
- Added Dynamic Mission for developing a Governorship for all countries in the game.
- Added mission to reform out of tribalism for Tribes.
- Great Families: Each country will now have a limited set of Major families that expect to hold a certain influence in the state. By making sure their members have the amount of jobs they expect the families will support your rule, but failing to do so will make them rebel.
- Minor Characters: Characters that are not part of Great Families will appear during the campaign and will wield influence and power, but will not be able to call on their kin to get them jobs and positions.
- A Great Family’s Prestige rating will now determine their share of a national pool of Power Base, meaning Families that have held many important jobs will be more dangerous over time.
- Families can now adopt minor characters, the player can adopt characters to their ruling families in monarchies. Adoption reduces the prestige of the family that adopts and will present the choice of whether to change the last name of the newly adopted person or not.
- Map Mode Manager: You can now select yourself which map modes that should be shown in the bar above the Minimap by dragging and dropping.
- Armies now Consume and Carry Food: All units can now carry food with them on campaigns and will consume that food if they are in a situation where they would normally take attrition, instead of losing men. Armies in friendly territory will stock up on Food from the Provincial stores.
- Reworked Reinforcement rules: Armies will now only reinforce if they are not currently taking attrition. Consequently sieges can now be lost by the attacker if they run out of food but armies can also operate far deeper into enemy territory without taking attrition, as long as they bring enough food.
- Added Supply Train unit with greater food carrying capacity for long campaigns and sieges.
- Updated Map in Greece, Anatolia, Ireland and the Baltic region. Adding new territories, impassables and countries, as well as more navigable rivers.
Guardian of the Online Empire
Skigameco 17 December 2019 05:53
Update v1.3.2:
#Game Balance:
- Base Stability Decay is now halved.
- Aggressive Expansion decay from Foreign Minister & Praetor offices increased from -0.01 to -0.015 per skill point.
- Aggressive Expansion decay from Arbitrator office is now -0.01.
- Omen Power from the High Priest & Augur offices increased from 2% to 3% per skill point.
- National Tax bonus from Steward & Tribune of the Treasury offices changed from 1% to 1.5% per skill point.
- Tribesmen Happiness from the Elder office increased from 1% to 1.5% per skill point.
- Characters now receive a monthly Statesmanship increase from their Finesse skill.
- Supply Trains now cost 16 gold to construct, and their maintenance is therefore also higher.
- Horse Archers now carry more food (up to 3 from 2.4).
- Elephants now deal more damage to Heavy Infantry (up to 1.4 from 1.3) and less damage to Light Infantry (down to 1.3 from 1.5).
- Stability gains from events reduced by around 30% across the board.
- AI tribal nations will now only reform their governments if they have at least 25 Civilization in their capital.
#Complete Soundtrack DLC:
- Three new songs added: Tyros, The Mediterranean, and The Punic Wars.
Stability & Performance:
- Fixed startup crash related to shadowmap resolution setting.
- Fixed crash related to using the back button to negotiate with barbarians.
- Fixed two more rare crashes related to ingame popups and account login.
- Slightly improved performance related to ai threat calculations.
- Fixed mods being unable to load localization files.
- Fixed game not applying Naval Damage Taken modifiers correctly.
- Fixed Slave Raid naval unit ability being available to everyone.
- Fixed problem where countries would not be properly called into wars which affected both humans and AI.
- Adoption will now exclude prisoners in all cases (instead of just some cases).
- Fixed local modifiers being used in Nabatean and Helot Heritages, which made them do nothing.
- No longer possible to teleport armies between Athens and Keos.
- Orontid family now properly a great family in Armenia.
- Fixed all remaining food vanishing when detaching a supply train.
- Made it impossible to adopt Mercenary captains.
Guardian of the Online Empire
danes256 16 April 2020 11:20
Hi, can we get update 1.4.2 ? Thank in advance.
W2C 16 August 2020 16:06
Any chance to get the 1.5.1 update? Fixes the province modifier ctd issue.
Skigameco 9 April 2021 08:51
Update v2.0.3:
# Interface
Detailed character health stat was still displayed in a few places: these now use the correct character tooltip obfuscation
# Bugfixes
Fixed being able to wrongly disband levies in wartime via right clicking on them in the outliner
Fixed wrongly calculated legion modifiers leading to compounding martial ability
Fixed state capitals being relocated when new territories were added to a province
Fixed an OOS when changing effects on a Great Wonder
Fixed a rare infinite loop that could cause the game to freeze
Fixed river crossings giving a bonus to the attacker instead of the defender
Fixed a crash that resulted from destroying a port under blockade
Update v2.0.2:
# Gamebalance
# Economy
Fort maintenance reduced to 0.4
Foundries no longer grant any local start experience; population output modifier replaced by 25% tax and research points modifiers
Population Capacity modifier from Desert terrain type adjusted to -25% from -30%
Population Capacity and Pop Growth from Great Wonders modifiers reduced by roughly 25%
Build Cost modifier from Stone surplus in capital reduced to -5% from -10%
Build Cost modifier from ruler finesse reduced to -1% per point
Several sources of build cost in invention trees reduced to -2.5% from -5%
Standardized Construction national idea now reduces build cost by 10%, but reduces build time by 25%
# Governments
Satellite Status now increases max mercenary stacks by 1 in addition to current modifiers
# Religion
Stability cost increase per stack of stabbed pig is now 100% from 65%
Guardian of the Online Empire
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