Rebirth Beware of Mr Wang v1.0 upd.29.11.2021 - DARKSiDERS

Rebirth Beware of Mr Wang - PC Game Download via Torrent
The protagonist of Rebirth Beware of Mr Wang conducts various manipulations on the girls and blackmails them in order to achieve intimacy. The gameplay includes numerous interactive puzzles where you have to interact with the elements on the screen, connect wires, rearrange objects and extract codes. Successful completion of the mini-games will advance the plot and achieve sexual intimacy with beautiful girls. On the surface, Mr Wang is a busy apartment renovator who loves helping neighbors and solving life’s little problems. But behind the masks, Lan Wan is a villain and loves cuckolds. He spies on the privacy of his neighbors, gradually trying to approach his female neighbors in nefarious ways.

Help Me Now Definitive Edition Build 7791433 - PLAZA

Help Me Now - PC Game Download via Torrent
PLAZA Full game FREE DOWNLOAD Latest version TORRENT
Help Me Now — the very cool atmosphere in this game. Firstly, the developers thought out the environment to the smallest detail, made it interactive, gloomy, and sinister, which in itself adds atmosphere to the game. Secondly, the immortal enemy will now and then hunt for you, which also adds atmospheric. And thirdly, the situation itself is not at all calm. In general, the atmosphere is just super.

This game has been updated 29-11-2021, 21:42 to the latest version Definitive Edition Build 7791433.


BURIED STARS v1.0 upd.29.11.2021 - DARKSiDERS

BURIED STARS - PC Game Download via Torrent
BURIED STARS — is an action-adventure game set in a crash site with a live audition. The trapped survivors communicate with each other via social media while awaiting the arrival of the rescue team. But an unexpected turn of events tears them apart and drives them into a corner. Each hero will pursue his own goals, so you should be extremely careful and take your time with your decisions. To begin with, you need to actively act so that you achieve a good result and can somehow influence the entire course of history. Therefore, you should be extremely careful and try to gradually make decisions that will help you achieve a favorable result.

Street Fighter 5 Champion Edition v6.060 (Season 5) - CODEX

Street Fighter 5 Champion Edition - PC Game Download via Torrent

Street Fighter 5 Champion Edition is a side-view arcade fighting add-on in the popular Street Fighter series. In the updated version, you will find a complete collection of all the content that came out earlier. The game will have 40 characters, 34 locations for battles, more than 200 costumes and new variations of V-skills. In a simple and understandable form, the game will introduce you to the basics of the combat system: six basic strokes, several special techniques common to most characters. At the same time, complex and incomprehensible for a beginner actions remain as if off screen to gradually learn them during the further passage.

This game has been updated 13-10-2023, 12:31 to the latest version v6.060 (Season 5).


They Look Like People v1.0 upd.29.11.2021 - DARKSiDERS

They Look Like People - PC Game Download via Torrent
They Look Like People — as humanity’s resources are depleted, two astronauts set out to explore other planets to save humanity from destruction. During a scheduled test on its way back to Earth, the Orion spacecraft comes into contact with an object that apparently nearly fell into a trap due to debris. At least they thought so. When one of the crew starts to lose his mind, what are you doing.

VILLAGE THE SIBERIA v1.0 upd.29.11.2021 - DARKSiDERS

VILLAGE THE SIBERIA - PC Game Download via Torrent
VILLAGE THE SIBERIA — you play the role of a boy in an ordinary family living in Siberia. In a series of mysterious events, something terrible happens, and a parasite appears that uses people as vectors. Your goal is to find out who you can trust in your family and which family members are not infected. If you stay in the house with one of them, something terrible can happen, so think about who you can trust and who of them is not behaving strangely. Terrible atmosphere and quality sound. Mysterious plot and modern graphics. Intrigue mixed with a detective story. You can interact with many objects.

Recompile v20210826 - CODEX

Recompile - PC Game Download via Torrent
CODEX Full game FREE DOWNLOAD Latest version TORRENT
Recompile — is a very cool and atmospheric third-person platformer in which you have to battle numerous programs in the role of digital artificial intelligence, eager to avoid deletion. The game takes place in a digital cyber world called the Mainframe. And the plot revolves around some kind of artificial intelligence, a program that wants to avoid total deletion at all costs. That’s just to make it will not be so simple. We’ll have to fight, survive, pump over, discover more and more new abilities, and do much, much more. In general, you definitely won’t be bored.

This game has been updated 29-11-2021, 09:07 to the latest version v20210826.


RICO London v1.0.7864 upd.29.11.2021 - CODEX

RICO London - PC Game Download via Torrent
CODEX Full game FREE DOWNLOAD Latest version TORRENT
RICO London — is a shooter that takes you to the streets of London in the late 20th century. On the eve of the onset of the new millennium, many gangs and other criminal organizations appeared in the city, whose members occupied the abandoned buildings. Finding and catching them is almost impossible, because there are too many empty buildings. Criminals take hostages, commit robberies and robberies, and the police fail to cope with their activities. It’s time for you to take the initiative and start looking for criminal groups to destroy them.

This game has been updated 29-11-2021, 09:02 to the latest version v1.0.7864 upd.29.11.2021.


Just Die Already v1.3.6.1 upd.29.11.2021 - CODEX

Just Die Already - PC Game Download via Torrent
CODEX Full game FREE DOWNLOAD Latest version TORRENT
Just Die Already — is able to amuse and philosophize. The main characters of the game are the elderly. It is difficult to live in a world where you are a hindrance. It is worth going out the door, everything as if shouting «Just Die Already». You have to play for the old and evil main character. Most recently, he was expelled from a nursing home and now he is forced to survive on the street on his own. The reason was that society prefers a carefree life and entertainment. No one wants to work and pay taxes, from which pensions are later accrued.

This game has been updated 29-11-2021, 10:19 to the latest version v1.3.6.1 upd.29.11.2021.


Doctor Who The Edge of Reality Update 7 upd.29.11.2021 - CODEX

Doctor Who The Edge of Reality - PC Game Download via Torrent
CODEX Full game FREE DOWNLOAD Latest version TORRENT
A first-person adventure game developed under license from the acclaimed BBC TV series. Doctor Who The Edge of Reality — is a spin-off of Doctor Who The Edge of Time that was not created for VR technology. The game features motifs and monsters known from both newer episodes of the BBC series and older episodes featuring David Tennant. As the game progresses, we encounter, among other things, cybermen, cyborgs that have existed in the series from the very beginning. For the biggest fans in production, there is no shortage of Easter eggs. Doctor Who The Edge of Reality, unlike the previous game, was not designed for virtual reality devices. The doctors were dubbed by Jodie Whittaker and David Tennant.

This game has been updated 29-11-2021, 07:58 to the latest version Update 7 upd.29.11.2021.
