The Long Dark v2.01 upd.24.08.2022 - PLAZA

The Long Dark - PC Game Download via Torrent
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The Long Dark Game Free Download Torrent

The Long Dark is a new simulator of survival in severe winter conditions. You play as pilot Willy McKenzie, who is crashed because of a strange geomagnetic storm in the endless forests of Northern Canada. Now your main task is to survive as long as possible, and to do this, explore the surrounding area, find and use various items for survival, hide from the cold and night predators, create a shelter and try to find at least a little food. The world that is familiar to you no longer exists, a strange magnetic storm destroyed all electronics and now humanity is struggling for survival. In the game you often have to make moral decisions, because being kind is dangerous for life, and meeting with the other survivors is deadly. What are you going to do? Are you ready to fight for your life? Can you last at least a day in harsh conditions? Do not know? Then you can try it in The Long Dark.

NOTES. This release is standalone.

Game Details

About This Game


As an example. The world in which you have to live is not forests, forests ... searching for food, water, lodging ... access to the city ... cheers! Saved! Nothing of the kind - due to the northern lights - is the technological progress that we are so proud of (humanity is the most intelligent on the planet and all that) - and so, this very progress was thrown back several centuries ago, man is no longer the highest being, moreover, in Food chain, we are already much lower than before. 

Empathy? And what is this? Forget about mercy, meeting with other people will not end well, everyone tries to survive as best as possible - and of course, if there is an opportunity to kill and rob his neighbor, no one will fail to take advantage of it. So beware ... There is no place for heroism, only greed remained. The strongest, the clever, the clever and the savvy will survive ... perhaps.

System Requirements


OS: Windows XP
Processor: Dual-Core Intel i5 CPU @ 2GHz+
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: Intel 4xxx Series w/ 512MB VRAM or better
Storage: 1 GB available space
Sound Card: Any on-board chip will work.


OS: Windows 7
Processor: Intel i7 CPU @ 2.6GHz or higher
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: nVidia GTX 555 w/ 1GB VRAM or better
Storage: 1 GB available space
Sound Card: Ideally, something with Surround capabilities.


The Long Dark - PC Game Screenshot
The Long Dark - PC Game Screenshot
The Long Dark - PC Game Screenshot



1. The first thing we do is download the game’s installation files. 
2. Mount or burn the ISO image in the disk emulator (UltraISO program). 
3. During the installation, we specify the location on the disk where we want to install it. 
4. Wait until the installation process is complete, a shortcut will appear on the desktop.
5. Download and install Update's v1.98 + v1.99 + v2.00 + v2.01 in game folder.
6. Copy the contents of the folder «PLAZA» in the folder with the game. 
7. Start the game.

Download update only: [ 34 MB ]
Download update only: | MIRROR [ 199.3 MB ]
Download update only: The.Long.Dark.Wintermute.Episode.4.Update.v1.99-PLAZA [ 42.11 MB ]
Download update only: The.Long.Dark.Wintermute.Episode.4.Update.v1.98-PLAZA [ 1.82 GB ]
Download update only: The.Long.Dark.b5779617.v1.87-CSF.7z [ 4.30 GB ]
Download update only: The.Long.Dark.Fearless.Navigator.Update.v1.82-PLAZA [ 182.7 MB ]
Download update only: The.Long.Dark.Fearless.Navigator.Update.v1.79-PLAZA [ 293.1 MB ]
Download update only: The.Long.Dark.Fearless.Navigator.Update.v1.78-PLAZA [ 215.7 MB ]
Download update only: The.Long.Dark.Fearless.Navigator.Update.v1.77-PLAZA [ 261.7 MB ]
Download update only: The.Long.Dark.Wintermute.Episode.3.Update.v1.71-PLAZA [ 854.0 MB ]
Download update only: The.Long.Dark.Wintermute.Episode.3.Update.v1.69-PLAZA [ 355.6 MB ]
Download update only: The.Long.Dark.Wintermute.Episode.3.Update.v1.66-PLAZA [ 401.4 MB ]
Download update only: The.Long.Dark.Wintermute.Episode.3.Update.v1.64-PLAZA [ 1.20 GB ]
Download update only: The.Long.Dark.Wintermute.Episode.3.Update.v1.62-PLAZA [ 398.8 MB ]
Download update only: The.Long.Dark.Wintermute.Episode.3.Update.v1.61-PLAZA [ 1.40 GB ]
Download update only: The.Long.Dark.Steadfast.Ranger.Update.v1.56-PLAZA [ 72.1 MB ]
Download update only: The.Long.Dark.Steadfast.Ranger.Update.v1.52-PLAZA [ 272.8 MB ]
Download update only: The.Long.Dark.Steadfast.Ranger.Update.v1.50-PLAZA [ 170.5 MB ]
Download update only: The.Long.Dark.Steadfast.Ranger.Update.v1.49-PLAZA [ 106.2 MB ]

Download The Long Dark v2.01 upd.24.08.2022 - PLAZA

Size: 7.35 GB
Download the_long_dark_wintermute_episode_4-plaza.torrent (Downloads: )
Game Update History:
  • The Long Dark v2.00 → Update v2.01 [ 24.08.2022 ]
  • The Long Dark v1.99 → Update v2.00 [ 22.06.2022 ]
  • The Long Dark v1.98 → v1.99 [ 13.02.2022 ]
  • The Long Dark v1.95 → Update v1.98 [ 07.12.2021 ]
  • The Long Dark v1.94 → v1.95 (Wintermute Episode 4) [ 06.10.2021 ]
  • The Long Dark v1.82 → v1.94 (Hesitant Prospect) [ 30.04.2021 ]
  • The Long Dark v1.79 → v1.82 [ 20.07.2020 ]
  • The Long Dark v1.78 → v1.79 [ 29.06.2020 ]
  • The Long Dark v1.77 → v1.78 [ 02.06.2020 ]
  • The Long Dark v1.76 → v1.77 [ 26.05.2020 ]
  • The Long Dark v1.71 → v1.76 [ 19.05.2020 ]
  • The Long Dark v1.69 → v1.71 [ 21.01.2020 ]
  • The Long Dark v1.66 → v1.69 [ 18.12.2019 ]
  • The Long Dark v1.64 → v1.66 [ 14.12.2019 ]
  • The Long Dark v1.62 → v1.64 [ 11.12.2019 ]
  • The Long Dark v1.61 → v1.62 [ 03.11.2019 ]
  • The Long Dark v1.60 → v1.61 [ 28.10.2019 ]
  • The Long Dark v1.56 (49966) → v1.60 (Wintermute Episode 3) [ 22.10.2019 ]
  • The Long Dark v1.52 (48486) → v1.56 (49966) [ 16.07.2019 ]
  • The Long Dark v1.50 (48029) → v1.52 (48486) [ 28.05.2019 ]
  • The Long Dark v1.49 (47860) → v1.50 (48029) [ 15.05.2019 ]

This game has been updated 24-08-2022, 08:11 to the latest version v2.01 upd.24.08.2022.

Comments 29

luka 6 September 2017 18:48
i love you all who is posting this games i love you !!! heart_eyes

Skigameco Online
Skigameco 7 September 2017 12:37
luka, We try to publish new and interesting games every day.
Follow our website and share it with your friends  smirk

Guardian of the Online Empire
anton 18 September 2017 10:40
i cant open it. it says how i want to pen it. what ineed to do?

How i want to open it?

where i do open it?
Skigameco Online
Skigameco 18 September 2017 10:47
anton, To open the torrent file, you need to use the program - "uTorrent". Next is loading the game files, then you need to run the file - The_Long_Dark_v1.15_32681_setup.exe
Guardian of the Online Empire
anton 18 September 2017 10:49
ok. Thank you

Abdullah Yeniçeri
Abdullah Yeniçeri 24 January 2018 13:22
 Trackers down! Please new trackers!
Kreziu 12 February 2018 17:37
I have 290 trackers :D thank u very much :D 67 seeds and 3minutes and ready to download :) thx again
Skigameco Online
Skigameco 21 March 2018 04:29
The Long Dark v1.27 [34908] Changelist
- Numerous Art optimizations to improve performance
- Numerous Environment optimizations
- General optimizations
- Update to Rewired Controller API for improved compatibility using gamepad/controllers on PC/Mac
- Fixed several rare crashes
- Disabled crash reporting for Modded games (to reduce the amount of non-relevant crash report data)

Gameplay & User Interface
[Both] Added Clothing UI Icons and tooltips when pressing R3 on gamepads.
[Both] Removed reticle when aiming the Survival Bow (as intended)
[Both] First Aid icon no longer disappears from the screen when Cooking or Boiling Water.
[Both] Fixed issue causing awkward First Person arm movements when accessing inventory with Flashlight equipped.
[Both] Fixed issue where Slope information would incorrectly appear when climbing up and down ropes.
[Both] Clothing items no longer display incorrect damage textures at low Condition.
[Both] Improved positioning for various Scrub Brush placements in the environment.
[Both] Fixed issue where double-inputs were occurring with the Steam Controller when accessing inventory.
Guardian of the Online Empire
Skigameco Online
Skigameco 10 April 2018 06:29
The Long Dark hotfixed to v1.29 (35212):

Release Notes
*Numerous Environment fixes
*General optimizations to improve performance
*Fixed several rare crashes
Gameplay & User Interface
*[Both] Update to allow Player to save their Journal from the Skills screen
*[Both] Players are now prevented from deleting in-use saves
*[Wintermute] Unlocked Chapters data now stored in backup location in case of data loss
*[Custom] Fixed issue that allowed progress towards feats disabled in Custom Mode 
*[Both] Fixed issue with Flare shells being re-usable in certain scenarios
*[Both] Fixed issue where animals would disappear under certain conditions
Guardian of the Online Empire
Skigameco Online
Skigameco 19 April 2018 06:45
The Long Dark hotfixed to v1.30 (35412):

We’ve just hotfixed The Long Dark to v1.30 (35412), which includes the following fix for a rare crash:

Version 1.30 (35412) Release Notes

* [Gameplay] - Fixed rare crash that could occur when lighting a torch from a fire.

Guardian of the Online Empire
telephonedude 2 June 2018 21:44
How do I download the v1.30 bat? it seems like I need permission from google or have an account that has privileges to download it.
Skigameco Online
Skigameco 4 June 2018 10:29
telephonedude, hi, link fixed.
Guardian of the Online Empire
Skigameco Online
Skigameco 21 June 2018 13:39
Update v1.34.37910
*[All] Updated "Use" verbs to better reflect player activity in the game. Verbs should now more accurately reflect intended use. 
*[All] Pass Time Until Ready when Melting snow now stops when snow is melted. Boiling to Purify melted snow is now a separate Cooking action, as before.
*[All] Cooking times for partial-unit food items now scale correctly. I.e. 0.5 Kg of meat now takes half the full-unit time cost.
*[All] Wildlife will no longer attack players during accelerated time, unless they were already detected prior to beginning an activity. This addresses an issue where players were being ambushed by predators during accelerated time actions.
*[All] Fixed Mac keyboard icons for Placement actions appearing on PC.
*[All] Fixed Players being able to use a Recycled Can/Cooking Pot to cook when the item was at 0% Condition.
*[All] Fixed Quick Placement when using the Steam Controller.
*[All] Fixed exploit where players were able to restore burned food by placing it back onto an active cooking surface.
*[All] Fixed Mac trackpad secondary click not being active for Placement.
*[All] Fixed issue causing previously-killed animal corpses to reappear after updating the game.
*[All] Fixed issue causing active monitor to change when switching screen resolution.
*[All] Fixed players losing Placement functionality when interrupting Placement from the Pack.
*[All] Fixed camera bob persisting after lighting the Storm Lantern while walking.
*[All] Fixed issue causing players to exit the Fishing UI immediately after catching a fish, instead of being able to continue.
*[Survival Mode] Fixed issue causing arrows to become invisible after firing them.
*[Survival Mode] Many minor environment fixes to Hushed River Valley.
*[Survival Mode] Fixed numerous Hushed River Valley locations where players could become stuck in the terrain.
*[Survival Mode] Fixed Scrolling in Journal Notes.
*[Survival Mode] Fixed players becoming stuck in-between rocks near the bridge closest to Draft Dodger's Cabin in Pleasant Valley.
*[Wintermute] Fixed rare issue where players were permanently afflicted with Cabin Fever in some very old Wintermute saves.
*[Wintermute] Fixed getting stuck when crouching inside Jeremiah's Cabin during Wintermute Episode Two.
*[Wintermute] Fixed issue where players were unable to place items inside Jeremiah's Cabin during Wintermute Episode Two.
Guardian of the Online Empire
Skigameco Online
Skigameco 27 June 2018 04:25
Hotfix to v1.35 [38054] -- Release Notes

*[All] Fixed issue with untextured objects appearing in Hushed River Valley.
*[All] Fixed issue with invisible collision at the Mystery Lake Forestry Lookout that was preventing players from ascending and descending the stairs. 
*[All] Fixed issue with Cooking audio being too quiet.
*[All] Fixed potential crash when entering a location where Water was left Boiling.
Guardian of the Online Empire
Aamir Wali
Aamir Wali 26 August 2018 06:57
Hii Admin,
I currently have a Alpha version of Long Dark and want to upgrade the same to Long Dark Vigilante Flame Version 1.35
Informer 28 August 2018 04:56
CHANGELIST v1.36 [39433]

*[SURVIVAL MODE] Fixed Buffer Memories missing the Examine option.
*[WINTERMUTE] Added new Cooking Meat tutorial to increase clarity around uses for Raw and Cooked Meat in the game.
*[WINTERMUTE] Removal of Metal Shard at the opening of Episode One now happens automatically.
*[ALL] Fixed some instances of wildlife not using optimal paths when moving through the world.
*[ALL] Fixed not being able to stand up from Crouching when in a tunnel or cave.
*[ALL] Fixed issue where injured Bears reset their status when players enter an interior or Pass Time.
*[ALL] Fixed not being able to Pass Time when Cooking ruined meat.
*[ALL] Fixed Hatchet becoming instantly ruined when breaking down a table with a camp stove on top of it. 
*[ALL] Top slot for Drinks in the Radial Menu is no longer reserved for Water only.
*[ALL] Player’s last Cooking Pot will no longer drop during a Struggle.
*[ALL] Fixed inaccurate Crafting times when there are fewer than 2 hours remaining to finish Crafting an item.
*[ALL] Fixed Melting Snow not progressing to Boiling if a player leaves the region.
*[ALL] Fixed Unsafe Water not continuing to Boil if Stove is relit.
*[ALL] Fixed improperly focused camera when Harvesting a Moose.
*[ALL] Fixed quantity of Water displayed in Radial Menu and Backpack not matching.
*[ALL] Fixed issue causing players to be unable to cancel Fishing in certain scenarios.
*[ALL] Fixed Notes in Inspection Mode missing the ability to scroll.

*[ALL] Numerous Environment Fixes.
*[ALL] Numerous fixes to locations where players can become stuck in the game world.
*[ALL] Fixed missing texture on the Fishing Line gear item.
*[SURVIVAL MODE] Fixed graphical corruption in Hushed River Valley Ice Cave.

*[ALL] Fixed audio not correctly fading in and out on load screens.
*[ALL] Fixed missing sound effects when a player suffers an ankle Sprain.
*[ALL] Fixed issue where shooting certain trees with Arrows would cause Moose sound effects to play.
*[ALL] Fixed issue causing wildlife audio to play when exiting a building.
Skigameco Online
Skigameco 28 August 2018 13:51
Aamir Wali, hi, you can update the game with patches, only with Update v1.34 --> next v1.35 and --> v1.36.
Guardian of the Online Empire
Skigameco Online
Skigameco 18 December 2018 04:56

* General performance improvements across the game
* Widespread audio optimizations
* Upgraded to a new version of Unity, enabling widespread improvements across the game


* [Enviro] Numerous optimizations to improve performance
* [Enviro] Fixed numerous areas the player could become stuck in
* [Enviro] Fixed numerous areas the player could get outside of the intended play area
* [Enviro] Fixed numerous clipping and floating objects
* [Enviro] Performed various optimizations to avoid texture popping
* [Enviro] Improved alignment on some power lines
* [Enviro] Updated many snow banks, rocks, and fauna
* [Enviro] Numerous environment improvements
* [Enviro] Improved Aurora visuals; reduced the visible banding effect
* [Enviro] Improved blood decal lifetime
* [Enviro] Improved waterfall splash effects appearance when dark
* [Enviro] Improved light flicker visuals during an Aurora event 
* [Enviro] Update to many items to prevent floating after an object is broken down
* [Enviro] Improved decal sorting
* [Enviro] Improved grass reflections lighting for time of day
* [Enviro] Fixed many instances of grass clipping through trees and railway tracks
* [Broken Railroad] Fixed invisible rocks near Rope Climb
* [Broken Railroad] Fixed overlapping pipes and debris near the Maintenance Yard
* [Carter Dam] Fixed box clipping into wall
* [Mystery Lake] Fixed corpses spawning sunken into the ground
* [Coastal Highway] Fixed stretched snow textures around some cabins
* [Mystery Lake] Fixed visual artifacts in river terrain 
* [Mountain Town] Fixed flickering textures on mountain near Milton
* [Mountain Town] Fixed missing texture on rocks near transition to Mystery Lake
* [Mountain Town] Fixed missing collison on the barn at Paradise Meadow Farms
* [Mountain Town] Fixed flickering textures on the cars outside of Milton
* [Mountain Town] Fixed player being able to clip through parts of the silo
Guardian of the Online Empire
Skigameco Online
Skigameco 20 December 2018 04:55
Game updated to 1.42 version.
Guardian of the Online Empire
Skigameco Online
Skigameco 22 December 2018 11:22
CHANGELIST v1.44 [44110]
*[ALL] Fixed colour grading for early-morning ambient lighting effects.
*[SURVIVAL MODE] Fixed Rabbitskin Hat not appearing on the Paper Doll screen for the female survivor.
*[WINTERMUTE] Improved the Old Bear’s pathing when in the cave system during the What One Man Can Do mission in Episode Two. Please note we’re still working to resolve all scenarios where the Old Bear can become stuck.
Guardian of the Online Empire
Skigameco Online
Skigameco 18 January 2019 05:21
CHANGELIST v1.46 [44395]
*[ALL] Fixed issue causing Wolves to become stuck in their howling animation and unresponsive to the player.
*[CHALLENGE MODE] Fixed an issue where the game would need to be reloaded after changing languages in order for the change to take effect.
*[CHALLENGE MODE] Fixed issue preventing the Old Bear from reacting to the player during Hunted Part Two if they had transitioned indoors numerous times during the Challenge.
*[WINTERMUTE] Fixed issue where a Mackenzie VO line about the locked bank vault could be triggered multiple times in a row in Episode One.
*[WINTERMUTE] Fixed issue causing Grey Mother to float if a Deer Hide was placed under her chair.
*[WINTERMUTE] Fixed issue that kept some cinematic sequences from triggering when a player placed the Bear Spear on the ground in Episode Two. Players can no longer place the Bear Spear from the Radial Menu.
*[WINTERMUTE] Fixed issue causing the interior of Trapper’s Homestead to appear briefly prior to a cinematic at the beginning of Episode Two.
*[WINTERMUTE] Fixed issue causing the “FINISHED” option displayed during NPC dialogues to be missing Italian and Polish localization. 
*[WINTERMUTE] Fixed issue causing the “Crumpled Note” to appear twice at the Maintenance Shed in Broken Railroad during Episode Two.
*[WINTERMUTE] Fixed issue with the Old Bear’s pathing to prevent it from running into a cave wall during the “What One Man Can Do” mission in Episode Two.
*[WINTERMUTE] Fixed issue that would sometimes leave the player with a black screen after an encounter with the Old Bear in Episode Two.
*[WINTERMUTE] Fixed issue causing a brief visual anomaly to appear prior to the beginning of the final cinematic in Carter Dam at the end of Episode Two. 
*[WINTERMUTE] Fixed issue causing out-of-sync subtitle timing during the Old Bear encounter inside the Crummy in Broken Railroad.
Guardian of the Online Empire
Skigameco Online
Skigameco 26 February 2019 09:29
CHANGELIST v1.47 [45127]

*[All] Fixed issue causing the Stamina Bar colours to be inverted. 
*[All] Fixed issue where the warmth bonus from equipping a lit Storm Lantern or Torch wasn’t being applied correctly in-game. 
*[All] Fixed issue where ice textures could appear distorted in various locations.
*[Survival Mode] Fixed issue causing various shrubs and rocks to float in Pleasant Valley.
*[Survival Mode] Fixed issue where cabinet doors could shift out of place after breaking down other objects in the same interior. 
*[Survival Mode] Fixed issue where ice was missing collision in several locations, causing players to fall through.
*[WINTERMUTE] Fixed issue causing the Push/Pull Knife UI text to overlap in German and French during the encounter with Hobbs in Episode One.
*[WINTERMUTE] Fixed issue causing Jeremiah’s Storage Bin outside Trapper’s Homestead to appear sunk into the ground in Episode Two.
Guardian of the Online Empire
Skigameco Online
Skigameco 7 May 2019 04:27
CHANGELIST v1.48 [47675]

General Fixes

• General performance improvements across the game.

• Upgraded to a new version of Unity, enabling widespread improvements across the game.

• Fixed issue that restricted the game’s framerate to 120fps (on applicable systems).

• Streamlined the information appearing in players’ session output logs, to aid with support queries.

General Art

• [Enviro] Numerous optimizations to improve performance.

• [Enviro] Fixed numerous issues causing the player to become stuck in the terrain.

• [Enviro] Fixed numerous issues allowing the player to get outside the intended play area.

• [Enviro] Fixed numerous issues causing objects to clip and float in the world.

• [Enviro] Fixed numerous issues causing stretched or missing textures.

• [Enviro] Fixed issue causing lighting hotspots in the Bear Cave in WINTERMUTE Episode Two.

• [Enviro] Updated LOD to reduce popping on buildings and cliffs.

• [Enviro] Fixed issue causing hinges to appear on the same side for both exterior and interior doors.

• [Enviro] Updated transition zone entrance from Mountain Town to Mystery Lake to be more visible to the player.

• [Enviro] Updated flags to animate.

• [Enviro] Fixed numerous issues causing unlit textures.

• [Enviro] Fixed issue causing Cat Tails to appear out of alignment during their animation.

• [Enviro] Fixed issue causing inverted snow textures on trees.

• [Enviro] Updated numbers on lock boxes in the Milton Credit Union bank.

User Interface

• [UI] Updated “Disable HUD” setting to remove object labels (useful for game footage capture).

• [UI] Updated various text localizations.

• [UI] Fixed various overlapping UI elements in all languages
Guardian of the Online Empire
Skigameco Online
Skigameco 9 May 2019 05:09

• Fixed issue where revised Sprain system could trigger sprains on flat surfaces when Encumbered, Sprinting, or Exhausted.

• Fixed issue where Sprain Risk affliction indicator would appear on every scene transition.

• Removed flashing exclamation mark on Slope indicator due to causing widespread anxiety amongst our community. Let's face it, we could all use a little less anxiety.
• Tuned Revolver effectiveness when used against Moose (reduced) and reduced critical chance against Bears.

• Fixed issue where text was missing for the Small Arms (Revolver) research book.

• Fixed issue where players could not dismount from rope on upper cliff edge in an Ice Cave (Hushed River Valley region).
Guardian of the Online Empire
Skigameco Online
Skigameco 15 May 2019 13:07
CHANGELIST v1.50 [48029]
*[Tuning] Reduced Revolver Ammunition to 10 per box from 12. 
*[Tuning] Increased likelihood of Revolver spawns at the expense of fewer Rifle spawns.
*[Gameplay] Improved Rifle aiming system to address shortfall in raycast technique.
*[Gameplay] Fixed issue with Bow aiming where Arrow position was slightly offset, affecting accuracy.
*[Gameplay] Fixed missing transition to walk when the Player runs out of Stamina while running
Guardian of the Online Empire
Skigameco Online
Skigameco 28 May 2019 03:26
CHANGELIST v1.52 [48486]


*[Survival Mode] Arrows deflecting incorrectly off soft surfaces

*[Survival Mode] Arrows being pushed through ground in certain scenarios

*[Survival Mode] Arrows becoming stuck in the air after being fired


*General performance improvements across the game.

*Fixed issue where players could be pushed off ledges or through the world by an invisible “bubble”, including when traversing the exterior of Carter Dam.

*Fixed issue causing wildlife to become stuck and run in place in various areas.


*[Enviro] Numerous optimizations to improve performance.

*[Enviro] Fixed numerous issues causing players to become stuck in the environment.

*[Enviro] Fixed numerous issues allowing the player to get outside of the intended play area.

*[Enviro] Fixed numerous issues causing clipping and floating objects.

*[Enviro] Fixed issue causing an unintended low-res texture in Carter Dam.

*[Art] Fixed issue causing a stretched texture on large Water bottles.


*[UI] Fixed issues causing typos in some subtitles.

*[UI] Fixed issue where players were unable to use a controller button/keyboard key to access the "More Info" option when viewing the Journal.

*[UI] Updated Revolver description flavour text.

*[UI] Added flavour description text to Revolver Small Arms Handbook.

*[UI] Fixed issue causing missing “Duration Remaining” UI label on the Headache status.

*[UI] Fixed issue causing HUD status indicators to appear on Load Screens, if the status was triggered immediately before a scene transition.

*[UI] Updated HUD placement to avoid overlapping messages.

*[UI] Fixed issue causing the Improvised Head Wrap to appear incorrectly on the Clothing screen when combined with a second Hat layer.

*[UI] Fixed issue causing the player to become stuck in the New Game menu if they had more than the max saves allowed across all game modes.

Guardian of the Online Empire
Skigameco Online
Skigameco 16 July 2019 04:06
CHANGELIST v1.56 [49966]
  • [CHALLENGE MODE] Fixed issue preventing players from being able to damage the Old Bear in The Hunted, Part Two.
Guardian of the Online Empire
Skigameco Online
Skigameco 3 November 2019 08:59
Update v1.62:

* Fixed an issue that caused Wolf pathfinding to become confused after a decoy was dropped in certain scenarios.
* Fixed the distance which Wolves can grab decoys.
* Added further checks to prevent Wolves from attacking players through objects.
* Fixed an issue that prevented players from dropping a decoy from the Radial Menu.
* Fixed animation popping during the Wolf Struggle Animation while holding a Revolver.
* Fixed Bears resetting to their dens after loading a save.
* Fixed an exploit that allowed players to craft arrows even if there was time remaining.
* General polish throughout the world.
* Added a third digit to imperial values to prevent rounding errors.
* Fixed missing shadows from Fridges.
* Fixed missing quantity when crafting.
* Fixed Tool Selection not appearing when crafting arrows.
* Fixed materials being consumed when cancelling crafting.
* Fixed flames disappearing on pre-placed fires after exiting and reloading the game.
Episode Three
* Polish pass through the episode.
* Survivor stats now displayed while passing time.
* Added map icon for Survivors dropped by the player.
* Fixed numerous areas the player could become stuck.
* Fixed being unable to place the third rescued Survivor in some scenarios.
* Gwen can no longer die after completing her mission.
* Fixed issue that caused players to be forced out of aim when attacked by a Timberwolf.
* Adjusted the size of Wade’s campfire.
* Adjusted the distance which Timberwolves will hold ground when the player is holding a lit Marine Flare.
* Fixed Timberwolves howling more than intended.
* Fixed Timberwolf corpses resetting after transitioning indoors.
* Fixed player position changing when exiting Diagnosis.
* Fixed incorrect location being displayed when viewing information on the Load Screen.
Guardian of the Online Empire
Skigameco Online
Skigameco 18 December 2019 15:39
Update v1.69:
[Enviro] All Regions - Fixed numerous areas where the Player could become stuck.
[Enviro] All Regions - Additional pass for locations where the Player could get outside of the intended play area.
[Enviro] All Regions - Fixed various clipping and floating objects.
[Enviro] Fixed unreachable Revolver that would spawn in the Workshop.
[Lighting] Light sources no longer appear overly bright when multiple lights are active.
[UI] Updated missing subtitles for inspection comments, when playing as a male Survivor.
[UI] Added missing Map icons in the Bleak Inlet region.
[UI] Fixed Custom Mode setting for revolver availability when using Interloper as a base.
[UI] The Buff notification will now move out of view when aiming.
[UI] Fixed the colour of help text when hovering your cursor over heated items.
[AI] Timberwolves will no longer freeze in place if they try to attack a target they can’t pathfind to.
[AI] Wildlife will no longer attempt to dodge the Player, when they are far away from the Player.
[AI] Added check to prevent Predators from attacking players through Fishing Hut walls and closed doors.
[Animation] Pass on Timberwolves to fix numerous animation pops and hitches.
[Audio] When joining a pack, Timberwolf howls are no longer cut off or repeated.
[Challenges] Challenge Mastery now awarded as soon as it’s earned.
[Gameplay] Improved collision detection between thrown objects and wildlife.
[Gameplay] Fixed an issue that would cause Fishing Hut doors to swing further than intended.
[Gameplay] Fixed an issue that caused the Flashlight to turn on before the Aurora was fully active.
[Gameplay] Fixed an issue that caused arrows to become non-interactable, if the arrow deflected off an object or animal after being fired, and the Player reloaded or transitioned to a new area.
[Gameplay] Players will no longer get stuck after entering a pre-placed Snow Shelter.
[Gameplay] Pre-placed Snow Shelters no longer disappear upon reloading a save.
[Gameplay] The Gunpowder Can will no longer refill, when loading to a new area.
[Gameplay] Rosehip Tea and Reishi Tea now replenishes the correct amount of thirst, when drank.
[Gameplay] Increased amount of Gunpowder used, when using it as an accelerant, from 0.01 to 0.1.
[Gameplay] Medical Locker in Bleak Inlet’s Radio Tower no longer needs Bolt Cutters.
[Gameplay] Fixed non-interactive Workbench found in the cannery. It is now usable.
Update v1.67:
[Gameplay] Fixed an issue that caused the Workshop door in Bleak Inlet to no longer open, if a User loaded a save with the Workshop unlocked, from V1.64
Guardian of the Online Empire
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