Stranded Deep v1. (upd.24.01.2024)

Stranded Deep - PC Game Download via Torrent
Full game FREE DOWNLOAD Latest version TORRENT

Stranded Deep Game Free Download Torrent

Stranded Deep is a new indie project from the independent Australian studio Beam Team Games. The main goal of the developers is to achieve in the game the most realistic survival in the wild. As for the survival system, in the game it will be represented by various aspects. For example, players can not long be under the scorching sun, so you can shovel a sunstroke. Also, when consuming sea water, it will be necessary to purify it of salts, making the water suitable for drinking. And, of course, players will have to cook properly food, otherwise you can get poisoned.

In the game Stranded Deep — latest version there will be a system of fractures, for example, you climbed up behind the coconuts and accidentally fell. Now with a broken leg you will not climb anywhere. In addition to all this, the game has an energy system that adds a touch of hardcore. Each of your actions can consume a certain amount of energy. For example, you cut down a tree and are tired to cut down the next, you need to rest or have dinner. And if you work without rest, then loss of consciousness is guaranteed to you. Also forget about additional elements of the interface: no icons for fracture, hunger.

NOTE. Uploaded version: 24 January 2024 [v1.]. This is Full release and latest version of game. The game is already Packaged in Installer and ready to run the game after install.

Game Details

About This Game


The world of Stranded Deep is an accidentally generated world consisting of islands of very different sizes and sea depths. With the islands everything is clear: a piece of land with palm trees. But what is hidden in the sea? Coral reefs, where a variety of fish swim, wrecks, in the holds of which are concealed enormous treasures, underwater caves, hiding the secrets of the sea, and much more awaits the brave seekers of adventure. As for the marine inhabitants, as the developers promise, there will be a great number of them: fish of all ages and sizes, octopuses, squids, etc. And all of them will actively interact with each other: large fish eat small fish, sharks eat players and all in a row, octopuses wave their tentacles, etc. In general, the marine life is boiling.

System Requirements


OS: Windows Vista or higher
Processor: 1.8GHz Intel dual-core and above
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: Intel HD5000 and later. Minimum 512MB VRAM. Pixel Shader 3.0 support. Deferred lighting support (most 2005 and later cards support deferred lighting)
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Storage: 1 GB available space


OS: Windows 7 or higher
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GTX600 or ATI HD7000 series with 2GB VRAM
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Storage: 1 GB available space


Stranded Deep - PC Game Screenshot
Stranded Deep - PC Game Screenshot
Stranded Deep - PC Game Screenshot



1. The first thing we do is download the game’s installation files.
2. After downloaded, go to the folder and run the file «setup.exe».
3. During the installation, we specify the location on the disk where we want to install it.
4. At the end of the unpacking process, a shortcut appears on the desktop.
5. Start the game.

Download Stranded Deep v1. (upd.24.01.2024)

Size: 1.60 GB
Download stranded-deep-v1_0_38_0_29.torrent (Downloads: )
Game Update History:
  • Stranded Deep v1. → v1. [ 24.01.2024 ]
  • Stranded Deep v1. → v1. [ 20.09.2023 ]
  • Stranded Deep v1. Build 10005997 → v1. [ 28.12.2022 ]
  • Stranded Deep v1. → v1. Build 10005997 [ 24.11.2022 ]
  • Stranded Deep v1.0 → v1. [ 22.11.2022 ]
  • Stranded Deep v0.90.11 → v1.0 Build 9285485 (Full Release) [ 11.08.2022 ]
  • Stranded Deep v0.90.04 → v0.90.11 [ 10.01.2022 ]
  • Stranded Deep v0.64.04 → v0.90.04 [ 23.11.2021 ]
  • Stranded Deep v0.64.03 → v0.64.04 [ 19.11.2019 ]
  • Stranded Deep v0.64.01 → v0.64.03 [ 14.11.2019 ]
  • Stranded Deep v0.64.00 → v0.64.01 [ 12.11.2019 ]
  • Stranded Deep v0.63.00 → v0.64.00 [ 08.11.2019 ]
  • Stranded Deep v0.62.00 → v0.63.00 [ 06.09.2019 ]
  • Stranded Deep v0.61.00 → v0.62.00 [ 29.08.2019 ]
  • Stranded Deep v0.60.01 → v0.61.00 [ 27.08.2019 ]
  • Stranded Deep v0.60.00 → v0.60.01 [ 18.08.2019 ]
  • Stranded Deep v0.54.00 → v0.60.00 [ 14.08.2019 ]
  • Stranded Deep v0.53.00 → v0.54.00 [ 31.07.2019 ]

This game has been updated 24-01-2024, 07:55 to the latest version v1. (upd.24.01.2024).

Comments 23

Strandeddeepmaster1 25 October 2017 07:56
I am a regular player of Stranded Deep and the one thing that needs to hurry up and come out is an actual goal to work towards, either being rescued or making your own way back to civilisation. I have been alive for 45 days in version 0.33, I have done nearly all to be done, with a massive boathouse loaded with 6-7 crates full of stuff, boat motor made, killed sharks, made a large house from various materials on multiple islands. As you can tell I am getting bored (Yet I still play everyday some 6hrs) so I need a new venture, the bosses are a gay "filler" and not really worth it (apart from the food source but reg sharks provide just as much).I have great expectations for this game and I hope to see it reach mainstream platforms (Xbox and PS). Thanks Beam Team for making a true survival game!
Rubip11 13 December 2017 20:40
When i execute the setup it doesnt show anything it just stays in my hotbar for a while and after it dissapears nothing happens the game doesnt install... Any idea why ? 
Joe01 8 February 2018 11:03
It can work on 32 bit or only on 64?
Skigameco 9 February 2018 03:23
Joe01, hi,for 32 bit, this ver. STRANDED DEEP v0.38.00
Guardian of the Online Empire
is this full game or just a patch ? 
Skigameco 11 February 2018 14:39
NodevillivedoN, hi, is this full game.
Guardian of the Online Empire
Guest none
Guest none 11 February 2018 19:17
Skigameco 12 February 2018 03:31
Guest none, this was the answer to the previous question, this is a game or just a small update to it.
Guardian of the Online Empire
Guest none
Guest none 12 February 2018 12:09
sorry for the misunderstanding
thank you for reply
Guestinen 15 February 2018 14:23
Missing fauna, items, craftable content, bosses.

For some reason I am missing all of the fish species in v0.40.01, except cod.
I cannot fish cod by fishing pole, fishing spear or crude spear, knife or other tools.
By the way, wtf is wrong with the fishing spear? I can find next to nothgin about it online. Game wikis and google searches give the result that its not even existing in the game. Some youtubers have used it though.
Well, the fishing spear is not working. It does not pic up or hurt crabs, cods or sharks. Propably it is for smaller fish, but those are absent/replaced by cod.

There are no lionfish, the purposelly-build fish that is supposed to poison you and be part of shark repellent. No blue marlins, sea turtles, anchovy, whales or other content that is supposed to be found in water.
Some items seem to be missing too, I am unable to find propeller for the engine, flippers, barrel clusters or gasoline from the map.
I have explored the whole map by hand, after slight frustration I combed it again with cheats.

Craftable items:
I cannot craft anything related to rafts. Those can be found but cannot be crafted. Other buildings do work.
I also cannot create fish trap, its missing from the crafting menu.

Only sea fauna that are present are cods, (even in the shallows of islands, on the beach) tiger/blacktip sharks and rays. The Ocean is otherwise empty.

I am also having trouble with boss battles, the only one that activates is Megalodon. Others are missing the creature.

Is this just a versio issue, there are two possible ones downloadable?
I do understand that this is a early-access title, someone is selling a broken game so these might be changes. But I Find it hard to believe.

No performance issues, installed neatly and fast.
Very beautiful, sometimes challenging snack game!
niname 27 February 2018 22:10
Quote: Guestinen
Missing fauna, items, craftable content, bosses.

For some reason I am missing all of the fish species in v0.40.01, except cod.
I cannot fish cod by fishing pole, fishing spear or crude spear, knife or other tools.
By the way, wtf is wrong with the fishing spear? I can find next to nothgin about it online. Game wikis and google searches give the result that its not even existing in the game. Some youtubers have used it though.
Well, the fishing spear is not working. It does not pic up or hurt crabs, cods or sharks. Propably it is for smaller fish, but those are absent/replaced by cod.

There are no lionfish, the purposelly-build fish that is supposed to poison you and be part of shark repellent. No blue marlins, sea turtles, anchovy, whales or other content that is supposed to be found in water.
Some items seem to be missing too, I am unable to find propeller for the engine, flippers, barrel clusters or gasoline from the map.
I have explored the whole map by hand, after slight frustration I combed it again with cheats.

Craftable items:
I cannot craft anything related to rafts. Those can be found but cannot be crafted. Other buildings do work.
I also cannot create fish trap, its missing from the crafting menu.

Only sea fauna that are present are cods, (even in the shallows of islands, on the beach) tiger/blacktip sharks and rays. The Ocean is otherwise empty.

I am also having trouble with boss battles, the only one that activates is Megalodon. Others are missing the creature.

Is this just a versio issue, there are two possible ones downloadable?
I do understand that this is a early-access title, someone is selling a broken game so these might be changes. But I Find it hard to believe.

No performance issues, installed neatly and fast.
Very beautiful, sometimes challenging snack game!

seems like this .40.01 is broken experimental imgoing to try the .38 which i think is the stable version
piotr 24 March 2018 07:00
what is the password for the winrar file
Skigameco 24 March 2018 07:47
piotr, pass:

Guardian of the Online Empire
Exe 9 April 2018 23:59
Whats the password for the version 38 32bit ?
notice me admin
Skigameco 10 April 2018 06:23
Exe, the password is listed above in the comments.

0.42.04 EXP. UPDATE!

- Fixed Audio SFX cutting out or playing intermittently.
- Fixed Crab ambient audio persisting when killed.
- Fixed Farming Plots not reloading crop name.
- Fixed missing Diarrhoea sounds.
- Fixed Footsteps playing when sailing.
- Fixed Rafts being pushed or launched by player.
- Fixed Construction Wedge pieces not allowing proper placement.
- Fixed Gyrocopter flying at wrong angles.
- Fixed Buoyant objects not getting cleaned up properly.
- Changed Player audio to use new Audio system.
- Changed Player footsteps audio to use new Audio system. 
- Changed Player status effects to use new Audio system.
- Changed Player speech to use new Audio system.
- Changed Boss audio to use new Audio system.
- Changed Audio system to cull single FX out of range of listener.
- Changed Audio system to pause/resume persistent FX based on range to listener.
Guardian of the Online Empire
Guest Big
Guest Big 10 April 2018 17:45
42.04 New game. Plane crashes. Can't move. Can't swim. No keys work at all. Have to alt+F4 to close game.
lazy player
lazy player 11 April 2018 22:29
where is the save location?
Skigameco 13 April 2018 04:34
lazy player, C:\ Users\ your name here\ Documents\ Stranded Deep\ Data\ [ whatever string number you have or Experimental branch string number ]
Guardian of the Online Empire
Informer 16 October 2018 04:07
A new experimental build (0.50.00) is now live!

BUG FIXES- Fixed possibility of new Billboards not finding parent (smudges).
- Fixed no shadow on Banana Plant LOD2.
- Fixed blue Ocean at night.
- Fixed Paddle low render distances.
- Fixed Sail causing extreme lag when interacting with.

CHANGES- Changed main menu logo to proper image.
- Changed Life Raft Container to start with a bandage instead of duct tape.
- Changed Shark Music to begin playing once a player is attacked.

NEW FEATURES- Added new Player Ragdoll for when players are knocked out or die.
Co-operative players can revive their partner by using a bandage on them before they bleed out. 
Player ragdolls behave the same as animal ragdolls and can be dragged.
- Added new Raft Passenger Seat.
- Added new loading ticker animation.
Criss 16 October 2018 08:43
Appears to me when I save the game in the tent

There was an error saving your progress. Please contact Beam Team to diagnose the problem.
Zaga 18 October 2018 15:07
Does the Save Error bug still occurs on 0.50? 
Quiroga231 18 December 2020 15:23
Does version 0.75.01 work in 32 bits?
Skigameco 23 November 2021 04:26
Update 0.90.04!
- Fixed game crash caused by player destroying a 'Raft Base' while standing on it.
- Fixed disconnects caused by client joining games with mismatching game version.
- Fixed disconnects caused by client joining an in-progress game and receiving expired session messages.
- Fixed disconnects caused by stored items being visible for clients to pick up after joining an in-progress game. Picking up these items could cause a disconnect.
- Fixed game time desync while sleeping.
- Fixed new day event not being raised caused by floating precision error in sleeping sequence.
- Fixed desyncs caused by client owning skinned meat and leather.
- Fixed desyncs caused by players being able to pick up objects while being skinned.
- Fixed desyncs caused by host and client able to operate 'Gyrocopter' simultaneously.
- Fixed clients getting stuck at ‘Joining Session’ prompt while connecting to host's session after reconnecting the internet at 'Join Game' screen.
- Fixed active session failing to be visible to client in ‘Join Game’ window when the client force quits the game before host accepts the joining request.
- Fixed client unable to see host's session when reconnecting the internet after disconnecting it on loading screen while proceeding into the gameplay.
- Fixed clients able to spam the host by sending multiple ‘Connection Request’ when host declines the request in the gameplay.
- Fixed spelling error in ‘Connection Request’ prompt.
- Fixed ‘Enter Code’ input field deselecting.
- Fixed '-NL' text showing after 'Enter Code' in the ‘Join Game’ sub-menu.
- Fixed 'Creative' difficulty mode failing to apply for client.
- Fixed client saves failing to load in 'Creative' mode on re-joining sessions.
- Fixed host and client able to use single set of resources to craft the same item.
- Fixed client’s dropped items being duplicated into the backpack on re-joining the same session again after exiting.
- Fixed host unable to access ‘Starting Crate’ or ‘Wooden Crate’ when client disconnects from the network while accessing the crate.
- Fixed ‘Not enough room in Inventory!’ notification and audio sfx when highlighting an item when backpack storage is full.
- Fixed player able to level up 'Cooking' statistic while knocked out near a ‘Camp Fire’ when the other player is cooking meat.
- Fixed ‘Smoker’ logic running twice resulting in faster smoking.
- Fixed attached meat not following ‘Camp Fire’ as fuel depletes.
Guardian of the Online Empire
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