Doctor Who The Edge of Reality Update 7 upd.29.11.2021 - CODEX

Doctor Who The Edge of Reality - PC Game Download via Torrent
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A first-person adventure game developed under license from the acclaimed BBC TV series. Doctor Who The Edge of Reality — is a spin-off of Doctor Who The Edge of Time that was not created for VR technology. The game features motifs and monsters known from both newer episodes of the BBC series and older episodes featuring David Tennant. As the game progresses, we encounter, among other things, cybermen, cyborgs that have existed in the series from the very beginning. For the biggest fans in production, there is no shortage of Easter eggs. Doctor Who The Edge of Reality, unlike the previous game, was not designed for virtual reality devices. The doctors were dubbed by Jodie Whittaker and David Tennant.

This game has been updated 29-11-2021, 07:58 to the latest version Update 7 upd.29.11.2021.
