Copycat is an upcoming game set to release in 2024, featuring an intriguing blend of Adventure and Indie genres. Developed by Spoonful Of Wonder and published by Neverland Entertainment, Nuuvem Inc, and Spoonful Of Wonder, this title promises a unique and captivating gaming experience. The Adventure genre suggests that Copycat will offer a narrative-driven and immersive gameplay experience. Players can anticipate engaging storylines, diverse environments, and possibly puzzle-solving elements that encourage exploration and interaction with the game world. Adventure games often provide a strong focus on storytelling and character development. Being an Indie game, Copycat is likely to embody the creative and innovative spirit often associated with independent game development. Indie titles frequently introduce fresh ideas, unique art styles, or unconventional narratives, allowing them to stand out in the gaming landscape.
This game has been updated 27-09-2024, 20:41 to the latest version Build 15831224 (upd.27.09.2024).