Terraforming Mars v2.7.0 (upd.20.11.2024)

Terraforming Mars — advanced simulator of the popular board game. In Terraforming Mars you have to colonize Mars, making it habitable. Practice terraforming, fill Mars with water, create oceans, green zones, a habitable atmosphere do everything to make Mars become habitable for humans. Build cities and attract new residents to get more opportunities for the development of the planet. Make of a lifeless planet a real paradise filled with fauna. Terraforming Mars is a remarkable strategy game developed by Luckyhammers and published by Asmodee Digital. This game, released in 2018, invites players to embark on an epic journey to transform the barren surface of Mars into a habitable and thriving planet. Game players are tasked with the monumental mission of making the Red Planet hospitable for human life. The game’s narrative is rooted in scientific possibilities, where players must utilize their strategic prowess to terraform the planet by increasing its temperature, creating oceans.
This game has been updated 20-11-2024, 15:43 to the latest version v2.7.0 (upd.20.11.2024).