Darkest Dungeon Build 25622 (upd.19.08.2020) + All DLC - CODEX

Darkest Dungeon - PC Game Download via Torrent
CODEX Full game FREE DOWNLOAD Latest version TORRENT

Darkest Dungeon The Shieldbreaker Game Free Download Torrent

Darkest Dungeon — RPG, whose actions take place in a gloomy dungeon. And the dungeon itself is created by procedural generation (levels are created not manually, but using an algorithm that allows each time to create a unique dungeon). The player has the opportunity to choose a hero, relying on different classes, which in the game more than 10. You can be a magician, a doctor, an archer, a knight, etc. Try to protect your heroes, because after death, you can never use them again, and you will have to hire new heroes and pump skills from the very beginning. In total in a dungeon there can be 4 heroes who are not fearless and insensible. In the game, much attention is paid to the emotional state of the characters. They may be afraid, they can even get off the scourge of the dungeon horrors. Watch your physical condition, let the heroes rest. You also need to monitor the food reserves and prevent the heroes from starving to death.

The Ancestral Edition includes the following DLC:
  • Darkest Dungeon The Soundtrack
  • Darkest Dungeon The Musketeer
  • Darkest Dungeon The Crimson Court
  • Darkest Dungeon The Shieldbreaker
  • Darkest Dungeon The Color of Madness
  • Darkest Dungeon The Butcher's Circus

Game Details

System Requirements

OS: Windows XP
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: OpenGL 3.2+ Compliant
Storage: 250 MB available space
Additional Notes: 1080p, 16:9 recommended

OS: Windows 7+
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: OpenGL 3.2+ Compliant
Storage: 250 MB available space
Additional Notes: 1080p, 16:9 recommended


Darkest Dungeon - PC Game Screenshot
Darkest Dungeon - PC Game Screenshot
Darkest Dungeon - PC Game Screenshot



1. The first thing we do is download the game’s installation files. 
2. Mount or burn the ISO image in the disk emulator (UltraISO program). 
3. During the installation, we specify the location on the disk where we want to install it. 
4. Wait until the installation process is complete, a shortcut will appear on the desktop.
5. Download & install Update Build 25622, in game folder.
6. Copy the contents of the folder «CODEX» in the folder with the game. 
7. Start the game.

Download update only: Darkest.Dungeon.Ancestral.Edition.Update.Build.25622-PLAZA [ 173.0 MB ]
Download update only: Darkest.Dungeon.Ancestral.Edition.Update.Build.25594-PLAZA [ 171.6 MB ]
Download update only: Darkest.Dungeon.Ancestral.Edition.Update.Build.25563-PLAZA [ 165.8 MB ]
Download update only: Darkest.Dungeon.Ancestral.Edition.Update.Build.25546-PLAZA [ 161.9 MB ]
Download: Darkest.Dungeon.The.Color.of.Madness.Update.Build.24357-CODEX [ 158.1 MB ]

Download Darkest Dungeon Build 25622 (upd.19.08.2020) + All DLC - CODEX

Size: 4.3 GB
Download darkest_dungeon_ancestral_edition-plaza.torrent (Downloads: )

Darkest Dungeon Build 24839 - GOG [ 3.27 GB ]

Download darkest-dungeon-build-24839-gog.torrent (Downloads: )
Game Update History:
  • Darkest Dungeon Build 25594 → Build 25622 [ 19.08.2020 ]
  • Darkest Dungeon Build 25563 → Build 25594 [ 28.07.2020 ]
  • Darkest Dungeon Build 25546 → Build 25563 [ 19.06.2020 ]
  • Darkest Dungeon Build 25532 → Build 25546 [ 02.06.2020 ]
  • Darkest Dungeon Build 24839 → Build 25532 [ 29.05.2020 ]
  • Darkest Dungeon Build 24787 → Build 24839 [ 26.06.2019 ]

This game has been updated 20-01-2021, 11:39 to the latest version Build 25622 (upd.19.08.2020) + All DLC.

Comments 6

TheDarkJungle 1 July 2018 12:52
The game keeps auto close every minute. What's the problem
Roxxy 5 July 2018 10:40
Looking at the update history for the game on its Steam page, it looks like the latest DLC and the infrastructural changes to the base game to support the DLC also happen to introduce many, many bugs. The last fix update was 26th June.

CODEX uploaded its rip of the game too early.
DyonisX 17 August 2018 18:22
Can I somehow transfer the dlc files from this to my legit copy of the game?
averagereader 6 August 2019 10:25
The intro cinematic is in another language. But when I looked in options, the language was set to english. How do you change the language of the intro cinematic to english?
blitzxs 8 August 2019 03:46
The cutscenes are in another language. How do I change the language? The language settings in options doesn't work.
Skigameco 19 June 2020 12:27
Update Build 25563:
Darkest Dungeon
Fixed - Bigger enemies(their size is bigger than 1), can not move forward
Fixed - The game sometimes crashes due to missing item class
Fixed - [MODS] Mod is making it possible to have 3 trinkets in TBC; ends match instantly
The Butcher’s Circus
Various fixes to improve the stability of the multiplayer and reduce desyncs.
Update Build 25559:
The Butcher’s Circus
Added - [PARTY SELECTION] In party setup, if the Hero Info Popup (right click) is open, left clicking on a hero should close the info popup and open the dropdown
Fixed - [PARTY SELECTION] UI Exploit can allow access to locked DLC heroes in multiplayer
Fixed - When Quick menu is visibled(in party setup) and player presses ESC, only realm inventory is closed
Added - [COMBAT] Show enemy virtue/affliction indicator on enemy info panel portrait
Added - [MODS] Allow the dots_can_deathblow rule to work in singleplayer for modders
Added - [MODS] Enable new features in single player for modders by removing "networked_hero" gate
Added - “deaths_door_test_survived_resistance_chance†now works for SP
Added - "melee_attack_skill" now works for SP
Added - "ranged_attack_skill" now works for SP
Added - "attack_crit" now works for SP
Added - "riposte_skill" now works for SP
Added - "buff_duration_type" now works for SP
Added - "ignore_deathsdoor" now works for SP
Added - actorStatus "virtued" and "afflicted" now works for SP
Fixed - [MODS] Item that transforms hero causes a crash if used before any battle
Fixed - [MODS] Arena trinkets can have undefined rarity in mods, resulting in strange behavior
Guardian of the Online Empire
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