The Long Dark Redux v1.46 - PLAZA

The Long Dark Redux - PC Game Download via Torrent
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The Long Dark Redux Game Free Download Torrent

The third episode of The Long Dark was repeatedly postponed and postponed, and in the meantime Hinterland studio acquired new equipment and specialists. The result of all this was the release of the Wintermute Redux update. A large-scale patch fundamentally rewrites the first two episodes of Wintermute’s plot mode. The developers for about a year tried to take into account all the comments and wishes of the players, made thousands of corrections and changes, and also added new content. The studio has changed the structure of the missions and ways of presenting the plot, introduced the interactive mode and improved the gameplay. According to Hinterland, there are so many changes that it is unrealistic to list them in patchouts.

Game Details

About This Game


In the sandbox mode, too, there have been changes. Added new items for crafting, buffs and trials. Redesigned some interfaces to bring them into line with the scene mode. Fixed a whole list of game errors. Wintermute Redux has already been released on all platforms. The release of the third episode of the game, the developers are still not reported. But it will happen only in 2019. It is worth remembering that the converted storyline episodes do not support the «old» preservation, but the third part can be passed to those who completed the first two chapters at any time.

System Requirements

OS: Windows 7
Processor: Dual-Core Intel i5 CPU @ 2GHz+
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: Intel 4xxx Series w/ 512MB VRAM or better
Storage: 7 GB available space
Sound Card: Any on-board chip will work.

OS: Windows 10
Processor: Intel i7 CPU @ 2.6GHz or higher
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: nVidia GTX 555 w/ 1GB VRAM or better
Storage: 7 GB available space
Sound Card: Ideally, something with Surround capabilities.


The Long Dark Redux - PC Game Screenshot
The Long Dark Redux - PC Game Screenshot
The Long Dark Redux - PC Game Screenshot



1. The first thing we do is download the game’s installation files. 
2. Mount or burn the ISO image in the disk emulator (UltraISO program). 
3. During the installation, we specify the location on the disk where we want to install it. 
4. Wait until the installation process is complete, a shortcut will appear on the desktop. 
5. Download & install Update v1.42 / v1.43 / v1.45 / v1.46, in game folder.
6. Copy the contents of the folder «PLAZA» in the folder with the game. 
7. Start the game.

Download update only: The.Long.Dark.Redux.Update.v1.46-PLAZA [ 216.76 MB ]
Download update only: The.Long.Dark.Redux.Update.v1.45-PLAZA [ 336 MB ]
Download update only: The.Long.Dark.Redux.Update.v1.43-PLAZA [ 131.08MB ]
Download update only: The.Long.Dark.Redux.Update.v1.42-PLAZA [ 43.26MB ]

Download The Long Dark Redux v1.46 - PLAZA

Size: 6.50 GB
Download the_long_dark_redux-plaza.torrent (Downloads: )

This game has been updated 18-01-2019, 09:30 to the latest version v1.46.

Comments 2

Skigameco Online
Skigameco 20 December 2018 04:53
CHANGELIST v1.42 [44062]
*[ALL] Fixed 'Suppress Discovery Text' setting being carried from WINTERMUTE into Survival Mode.
*[ALL] Fixed issue where gaining an Affliction during a Struggle was not saving the game.
*[ALL] Fixed scrollbar leaving a gap when scrolling to the bottom of the list in the Crafting menu, keeping some Crafting options hidden. 
*[ALL] Fixed being unable to light a Torch from a campfire.
*[WINTERMUTE] Fixed incorrect location text appearing when reloading the game indoors in Milton.
*[WINTERMUTE] Fixed arms clipping into camera during the Bear encounter at Carter Dam when FOV was set above 90.
*[WINTERMUTE] Removed deer carcass from the Survival Bowl sequence in Episode One that could cause a crash.
*[WINTERMUTE] Fixed Episode Two not starting correctly when a player walks beyond the Cave transition trigger at the end of Episode One.
*[WINTERMUTE] Fixed the Old Bear not rearing up before starting its attack when in the Bear Cave.
*[WINTERMUTE] Fixed Rifle not returning to player inventory at the end of What One Man Can Do mission in Episode Two.
*[WINTERMUTE] Fixed Bear becoming stuck in flee after stepping off a fallen tree adjacent to the Bear Spear in Episode Two.
*[SURVIVAL MODE] Fixed missing truck in Pleasant Valley.
Guardian of the Online Empire
Skigameco Online
Skigameco 21 December 2018 14:17
CHANGELIST v1.43 [44083]
*[ALL] Fixed the entrance to the basement at Skeeter Ridge in Pleasant Valley appearing in the wrong spot.
Guardian of the Online Empire
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