PixARK v1.208 (upd.17.02.2025)

PixARK - PC Game Download via Torrent
Full game FREE DOWNLOAD Latest version TORRENT

PixARK Game Free Download Torrent

The action PixARK takes place in the universe of ARK Survival Evolved. The game stands out voxel style — all characters, buildings and monsters consist of a huge number of blocks. A kind of a mixture of «Arch» and «Meincraft». As in many other projects to survive in the open world, PixARK offers to create its own unique hero (promise an advanced development system), build a dwelling and other buildings, unite with other players and go to perform various tasks in procedurally generated worlds. However, there will be a single-player campaign in PixArk. Developers have worked over 100 unusual creatures, which can be tamed and used as mounts.

NOTE. Uploaded version: 17 February 2025 [v1.208 ( + all DLC + Multiplayer]. This is Full Release and latest version of game. The game is already Packaged in Installer and ready to run the game after install, read the instruction below.

Game Details

Key Features

  • FEATURES over 100 creatures to tame, train and ride
  • Voxel block building system
  • Procedurally generated maps
  • Procedurally generated quests
  • Creative Mode, where you can build anything you can imagine
  • Extensive character creation tools, and character progression systems with skill trees and customizable stats

System Requirements

Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
OS: Windows 7/8.1/10 (64-bit versions)
Processor: Intel Core i5-2400/AMD FX-8320 or better
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 660 2GB/AMD Radeon HD 7870 2GB or better
DirectX: Version 10
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 15 GB available space
Additional Notes: Requires broadband internet connection for multiplayer
Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system


PixARK - PC Game Screenshot
PixARK - PC Game Screenshot
PixARK - PC Game Screenshot



1. The first thing we do is download the games installation files.
2. After downloaded, go to the folder and run the file «setup.exe».
3. During the installation, we specify the location on the disk where we want to install it.
4. At the end of the unpacking process, a shortcut appears on the desktop.
5. Start the game.

How to play online?

  • Unzip to the game folder: PixARK.rar [0.59MB]
  • Start Steam.
  • Run the game «PixARK.exe».

Download: PixARK.AIO.UPDATE-RELEASE_to_0. [ 47.61 MB ]
Download: PixARK.AIO.UPDATE-RELEASE_to_0. [ 393.02 MB ]
Download: PixARK.Update.v0.1.0.147-LuKe.rar [ 41.69 MB ]
Download: PixARK.UPD3- [ 271.51 MB ]
Download: PixARK Update v0.1.0.142.rar [ 31.87 MB ]

Download PixARK v1.208 (upd.17.02.2025)

Size: 1.92 GB
Download pixark_v1.208.torrent (Downloads: )
Game Update History:
  • PixARK v1.207 → v1.208 ( [ 17.02.2025 ]
  • PixARK v1.206 → v1.207 ( [ 19.01.2025 ]
  • PixARK v1.202 → v1.206 [ 22.12.2024 ]
  • PixARK v1.198 → v1.202 ( [ 21.09.2024 ]
  • PixARK v1.194 → v1.198 [ 04.07.2024 ]
  • PixARK v1.192 → v1.194 [ 30.03.2024 ]
  • PixARK v1.190 → v1.192 [ 01.03.2024 ]
  • PixARK v1.188 → v1.190 ( [ 23.12.2023 ]
  • PixARK v1.187 ( → v1.188 [ 18.11.2023 ]
  • PixARK v1.185 → v1.187 ( [ 04.11.2023 ]
  • PixARK v1.184 ( → v1.185 [ 29.10.2023 ]
  • PixARK v1.183 ( → v1.184 ( [ 23.07.2023 ]
  • PixARK v1.182 → v1.183 ( [ 02.07.2023 ]

This game has been updated 17-02-2025, 15:18 to the latest version v1.208 (upd.17.02.2025).

Comments 39

Skigameco 1 April 2018 14:26
PixARK Update, version 1.5:
Made structures stronger against melee weapons. 
Increased damage of Auto-Turret
Made Vaults stronger against melee weapons. 
Abnormal Fire Elemental damage. 
Abnormal tamed Fire Elemental behavior. 
Adjusted weight of PixBlocked dinos. 
Gargoyles, elementals and treants can now be transformed into PixBlocks. 
Beelzebufo adds torpor on attack. 
Creatures should no longer be stuck in their spawn point terrain. 
Players should now learn about the industrial forge at the correct level. 
Sleepy darts can now be created. 
Magic Sleep Arrow has had its damage balanced. 
Rafts should no longer disappear randomly.
Guardian of the Online Empire
shreen 1 April 2018 14:51
this so good 
Skigameco 3 April 2018 13:43
PixARK Update 4 (Version 1.6):
Increased maximum number mid sized creatures. 
Remove Sauropods from new player zones. 
Adjusted melee range of magical weapons. 
Decreased effectiveness of a saddle. 
Decreased effectiveness of a melee weapon vs different types of structures. 
Decreased effectiveness of an arrow from a bow that is not at max draw for power. 
Optimized effectiveness of copper armor. 
Decreased effectiveness of a shield. 
Loot no longer drops from creatures fighting each other. 
Workbench works under all circumstances
Stone petroleum pipes should all work properly now. 
Can now place bed on raft
Treasure and relic chests now refresh properly. 
Fixed chitin bouncy boots, should behave properly. 
Fixed some instances where the tame Pteranodon quest could not be completed. 
Placed password on the PixBlock storage chest. 
The arrow tower can now properly create magical arrows. 
During respawn, balloons should deploy properly every time. 
Relic locations respawn should now properly reflect in the mini map. 
Plantlife should now properly respawn. 
Seeds should now drop properly in game.
Guardian of the Online Empire
Mohamad Zulhusni
Mohamad Zulhusni 4 April 2018 10:08
  1. Just want to say thank you guys, for that lovely effort to post this game. Keep up the good work! 
John 6 April 2018 07:02
Hi, can you upload 1.7 version?
Skigameco 7 April 2018 03:23
John, hi, uploaded :)
Guardian of the Online Empire
Guest James
Guest James 7 April 2018 12:20
the link of the fourth update 1.6 (PixARK.Update.v0.1.0.147-LuKe.rar) leads to the third update 1.5

the link of the fourth update shows the third one
nagi 8 April 2018 05:47
Can I play lan or multiplayer on this?
Skigameco 10 April 2018 04:53
Guest James, your truth, thanks for the information, the links are updated, and a new patch is added

nagi, yes, you can play, you need a working Steam.
Guardian of the Online Empire
Skigameco 12 April 2018 14:19
PixARK Update 4/12:
Added difficulty ranking to creatures in the world, visible when you highlight a creature. 
Increased tame limit from 25 to 35. 
Optimized Relic Boss drop tables. Will no longer drop lower quality items. 
Fixed Water Magic damage on metal tier and above structures. 
Fixed the ability to construct outside world boundies. 
Fixed issue where taming progression could not be saved
Fixed enchanted rocket launcher's damage. 
Fixed magical bullet's damage to structures. 
Fixed Water magic's damage to certain structures pieces. 
Fixed creature's chance to glitch through structures and damage structures inside houses. 
Fixed a situation where flow of water will cause player to get stuck in the structure
Fixed ability for Bone Steel sword to damage bronze structures. 
Fixed gun's irregular melee damage. 
Fixed whistle sounds. 
Fixed various issues with saddles not properly displaying the correct model. 
Fixed magic shield's vfx not displaying properly.
Tuned Ice Boss skills. 
Fixed some platform saddle icons not displaying proper information. 
Fixed grapple hook's sound effect. 
Fixed sound effect of stunned creatures. 
Fixed carbonemy animation when being attacked. 
Fixed darkwood table's receipe issue. 
Fixed issue with electric prod not losing durability. 
Fixed issue with Behemoth draw bridge sometimes not properly functioning. 
Fixed issue with Shining Wand not being able to collect blocks. 
Fixed issue with display data on scanning between owners of tames.
Guardian of the Online Empire
thatoneguy 12 April 2018 16:20
How can i play mulitplayer with my mate without buying the actual game? i done it in other games but this one seems not to work.
archonlich 13 April 2018 07:25
pls add an update file.... i have 1.7 i dont wanna download it again

Shama Abila
Shama Abila 13 April 2018 14:44
Yeah, Multiplayer is not working, Please fix it thank you.
Savagedee 14 April 2018 07:24
Am I Able to make a private server with this so I can play with friends???? 
Ijaimas 17 April 2018 07:37
How to change the language? please help me
Skigameco 18 April 2018 05:19
Ijaimas, in the game settings, you can change the language to English.
Guardian of the Online Empire
Skigameco 19 April 2018 14:53
PixARK Update 4/19 - Patch Notes:

Guardian of the Online Empire
jigsaw 27 April 2018 14:23
admin, may i know where the save game is? btw, thank you for this awesome upload!
Saladin 30 April 2018 06:39
Thanks for all updates but something is missing..
i download all of them when i try to update 1.0.162 it says requered 1.0.159
is there any link about this update?

Download: PixARK.AIO.UPDATE-RELEASE_to_0. [ 47.61 MB ]
Download: PixARK.AIO.UPDATE-RELEASE_to_0. [ 393.02 MB ]
Download: PixARK.Update.v0.1.0.147-LuKe.rar [ 41.69 MB ]
Download: PixARK.UPD3- [ 271.51 MB ]
Download: PixARK Update v0.1.0.142.rar [ 31.87 MB ]
Saladin, hi, the game has already been updated to the latest version, links to patches for those who stayed on the old version and plans to update the game.
Guardian of the Online Empire
retrax 6 May 2018 09:51
Can we change the russian language  to english???
Extreme 27 May 2018 12:23
Hi, I can not change the language to English.

Starting the offline version using SmartSteamLoader_x64.exe is in English OK, but when I try to start the online version using Launcher.exe, the game always stays in Russian.

I already tried to change the language within the game and also in the file SmartSteamEmu.ini.
CommandLine = -culture=en

Thank you!
Tripleh 13 June 2018 05:35
Target = ShooterGame\Binaries\Win64\PixARK.exe
CommandLine = -culture=us
SteamClientPath64 = SmartSteamEmu64.dll


AppId = 593600
Language = english
SteamIdGeneration = Static
WickedHero 1 August 2018 21:54
how to fix game crashing .. not even starting the game
Skigameco 2 August 2018 14:12
PixARK Update 8/2 - Patch Notes
Version 1.23
Greetings Explorers! Terrain Editing is now added to Creator mode. Press F9 to access the Terrain Editing Screen, which includes the following features: 

  • Basic Setting
  • Camera movement speed adjustment 
  • Camera rotation speed adjustment
  • Paint Setting
  • Cube type selection
  • Paint brush shape
    • Circle 
    • Square
  • Paint Size 
  • Paint speed
  • Vertical Plane
  • Elevate
  • Lower
  • Flatten
  • Convex
  • Concave
  • Smoothen
  • Quick smoothen
  • Replace surface cube type
  • Fill
  • Arbitrary Plane
  • Elevate
  • Lower
  • Flatten
  • Horizontally smoothen
  • Vertically smoothen 
  • Replace surface cube type
  • Revert setting
  • Enable revert preview
  • Revertible cube counts
  • Reverted cube counts
  • Revert
  • Foliage Painting
  • Enable foliage creation
  • Foliage weight configuration 
    • None: non-foilage weight
    • Grass: grass creation weight 
    • Shrub: shrub creation weight
    • Tree: tree creation weight
Guardian of the Online Empire
Skigameco 28 September 2018 13:11
PixARK Update 9/27 - Patch Notes

Hello Explorers! 

We're improving the way you interface with your tames! Now you can track all of your favorite tames and find them anywhere on the map!

Added Tame Management UI screen 
  • Tame Management UI is going to be where you can manage all the tamed creatures and special items such as Wooden Raft owned by you and your tribe. (PixBlocked dinos are excluded in the Tame Management UI)
  • All tames will be listed, and you can easily “sort-by” to look into them.
  • Tame Management screen also presents a map pinpointing the locations of all tames as small icons on it.
  • Select a tame's tag to view its name, species, gender, level, current location, and even get knowledge of whether or not it is under attack. 
  • Press “Track” to start tracking a single tame.
  • When a tame is tracked, its creature icon will appear in the navigational bar so that you can easily locate your tames.
Guardian of the Online Empire
Jeanfranco Cores
Jeanfranco Cores 3 October 2018 05:17

I can not enter the unofficial online, it stays in "host waiting time".

alfredo 25 October 2018 20:19
update please 
Skigameco 9 November 2018 05:38
PixARK 1.29

New creatures:
Doedicurus (Mountain Forest subspecies)
Found only in the Mountain Forest biome, Doedicurus subspecies can easily be recognized the distinctive color and shape its tail has. The mountain forest subspecies has adapted their destructive slow rolling skill into one that is quicker and more maneuverable, better suited for the complicated terrain this biome presents.

Argentavis (Desert subspecies)
Argentavis found its own way to get acclimated to the hostile Desert biome. The lack of food has forced Argentavis to change its hunting patterns; the desert subspecies will grab onto prey with either its claws or its more powerful beak. The color and crest are also visually distinguished from its non-subspecies counterpart. 

  • Fixed an issue where weapon durability is invalid.
  • Fixed an issue where some Ruin dinos are not being spawned. 
  • Fixed an issue where Spring Steel Shoes is still available after it is broken.
Guardian of the Online Empire
alex 16 November 2018 19:18
update please
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