Running With Rifles v1.98.1 (upd.20.11.2024)

Running With Rifles - PC Game Download via Torrent
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Running With Rifles Game Free Download Torrent

Isometric shooter Running With Rifles — opens before the players a lot of opportunities. The game with a view from above allows you to conduct fascinating military events. For the process to be effective, a large number of weapons were introduced. Developers have created a variety of missions of any complexity, passing them will be quite difficult, but it is very interesting. Large-scale game locations with an unusual environment make it possible to move around and recapture the territory.

NOTE. This release is standalone.

Includes the following DLC:


Game Details

About This Game


In order not to spend a lot of time developing positions, you can use auto equipment. You can use hard direct attacks or conduct a quiet partisan activity. Particular attention igrodely given to weather conditions, the effect of fog, rain, snow, dawn and sunset, makes its own adjustments to the gameplay.

Key Features

  • hundreds of locations to explore from trenches to towns, deserts to snowy valleys
  • emergent AI that will question if you're as smart as you think you are
  • realistic cover system
  • dozens of different weapons, support and cover items, radio calls, vehicles
  • side objectives to keep you busy: destroy radio towers and other assets, steal cargo trucks, rescue prisoners
  • 40+ multiplayer support, dedicated servers, coop, PvP, PvPvE
  • speech bubbles!
  • deaths and fails, a lot of them, including your own!
  • ...and of course, mods!

System Requirements


OS: Windows XP
Processor: 1.6 GHz Dual Core
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Graphics: NVidia Geforce 6600, ATI x800, Intel HD3000 or equivalent with 256MB VRAM
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Storage: 800 MB available space
Additional Notes: Try out the latest demo to see if the game will run fine for you.


OS: Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista
Processor: 2.4 GHz Dual Core
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Network: Broadband Internet connection


Running With Rifles - PC Game Screenshot
Running With Rifles - PC Game Screenshot
Running With Rifles - PC Game Screenshot



1. The first thing we do is download the game’s installation files.
2. After downloaded, go to the folder and run the file «setup.exe».
3. During the installation, we specify the location on the disk where we want to install it.
4. At the end of the unpacking process, a shortcut appears on the desktop.
5. Start the game.

Download update only: Running.With.Rifles.Edelweiss.Update.v1.90-PLAZA [ 260.0 MB ]
Download update only: Running.With.Rifles.Edelweiss.Update.v1.87-PLAZA [ 187.0 MB ]

Download Running With Rifles v1.98.1 (upd.20.11.2024)

Size: 1.77 GB
Download running_with_rifles_build_16369803_rar.torrent (Downloads: )
Game Update History:
  • Running With Rifles v1.97 → v1.98.1 Build 16369803 [ 20.11.2024 ]
  • Running With Rifles Build 12610660 → v1.97 Content Patch 1 [ 11.12.2023 ]
  • Running With Rifles Build 12540931 → Build 12610660 [ 11.11.2023 ]
  • Running With Rifles v1.97 → Build 12540931 [ 05.11.2023 ]
  • Running With Rifles v1.96.1 → v1.97 [ 25.08.2023 ]
  • Running With Rifles Build 11062622 → v1.96.1 [ 25.06.2023 ]
  • Running With Rifles Build 10960794 → Build 11062622 [ 07.05.2023 ]
  • Running With Rifles v1.96 → Build 10960794 [ 10.04.2023 ]
  • Running With Rifles Build 10256126 → v1.96 [ 03.04.2023 ]
  • Running With Rifles v1.95 → Build 10256126 [ 08.01.2023 ]
  • Running With Rifles v1.94 → v1.95 [ 08.11.2022 ]
  • Running With Rifles v1.92 → v1.94 [ 16.09.2022 ]
  • Running With Rifles v1.90 → v1.92 Veteran Pack [ 19.04.2022 ]
  • Running With Rifles v1.87 → v1.90 [ 23.12.2021 ]
  • Running With Rifles v1.84 → v1.87 [ 06.10.2021 ]
  • Running With Rifles v1.76 → v1.84 Edelweiss [ 14.05.2021 ]
  • Running With Rifles v1.75 → v1.76 [ 02.04.2020 ]
  • Running With Rifles v1.73 → v1.75 [ 31.10.2019 ]
  • Running With Rifles v1.71.2 → v1.73 [ 08.08.2019 ]
  • Running With Rifles v1.71.1 → v1.71.2 [ 20.06.2019 ]

This game has been updated 20-11-2024, 15:23 to the latest version v1.98.1 (upd.20.11.2024).

Comments 5

Skigameco Online
Skigameco 26 April 2018 13:47
Changelogs v1.65:
  • maps: few modifications/fixes here and there
  • gameplay: backpack system revamped - accuracy and movement speed are now decreasing linearly by increasing encumbrance
  • weapons: commonness for elites to spawn with the M202 FLASH as secondary increased by 30%
  • weapons: Lahti L-39 now semi-auto with a 44% increased rate of fire and damage boosted by 25%
  • weapons: Buckshot Bess reloading speed increased by 25% and amount of projectiles increased by 50%
  • weapons: AA-12 FRAG slightly re-balanced - less spread when not moving, 12% blast radius increased
  • weapons: deployable mortar AI sight range decreased by 15%
  • weapons: TOW AI sight range decreased by 20%, player sight range increased by 10%
  • equipment: Claymore carrier is not forced to walk anymore
  • equipment: "Bandage" item added (Man vs. World gamemode only)
  • vehicles: decreased the DarkCat tank HP by 33%
  • Man vs. World: casual mode added - reduced enemy AI accuracy and high amount of bandage item drops
Guardian of the Online Empire
Skigameco Online
Skigameco 18 October 2018 06:12
Changelog v1.70:

  • maps: new base added in Rattlesnake Crescent 
  • maps: new base added in Keepsake Bay
  • maps: Power Junction rotated by 45° and Power plant base slightly reworked
  • maps: Airfield base in Vigil Island slightly reworked - new armory and radio jammer locations 
  • maps: several fixes here and there
  • deathmatch: added map7 to the map rotator
  • deathmatch: script ported to AngelScript
  • minimodes: script ported to AngelScript
  • minimodes: FoV is now enabled on default
  • dominance: script ported to AngelScript
  • dominance: rework to get rid of the RNG by simulating a simple health system - experimental phase.
  • dominance: bandage added
  • dominance: some rare weapons added (had none so far) 
  • man vs world: vehicles do not respawn to avoid spawn kills
  • server: fixed character_kill event crash
  • equipment: spawn flare XP requirement lowered from 3000 to 1500XP
  • equipment: Cover deploy XP requirement lowered from 500 to 250XP
  • equipment: EOD vest lethality vs bullets and movement speed equipped slightly decreased
  • weapons: stock machine pistols accuracy and effective range slightly increased
  • weapons: stock suppressed SMGs XP requirement in campaign/invasion lowered from 1500 to 1000XP
  • weapons: stock pistols XP requirement in campaign/invasion increased from 250 to 750XP
  • weapons: SPAS-12 - removed XP requirement in campaign/invasion which used to be 500XP
  • weapons: PKM XP requirement in campaign/invasion increased from 0 to 500XP
  • weapons: PAW-20 rate of fire increased by 27%
  • weapons: Benelli M4 with suppressor stats increased
Guardian of the Online Empire
Skigameco Online
Skigameco 14 January 2019 14:09
Changelogs v1.70.3:

  • maps: fixed a few collision and pathing issues of ruins buildings 
  • maps: added a stair between junkyard and TV station in Rattlesnake Crescent, to have a more direct path option
  • fix: removed unused animations in mortar weapons to clear warnings in the logs 
  • vehicles: the ATV has the backseat passenger now turned by 180°. Driver now sits more upright
  • vehicles: fixed non-collideable vehicle respawn handling
  • vehicles: added collision damage for Machinegun, Minigun and Grenade Launcher deployables
  • vehicles: deployable sandbags are now easier destroyable on vehicle collision. Before only heavy vehicles could destroy them on collision
  • AI: made AI squadmate stay sitting in an additional seat in a multiseat stationary weapon
  • localization: fixed some typos
Changelogs v1.70.3 (PACIFIC DLC):

  • weapons: Type 99 "Hi-Grade" Rifle added - an elite version fitted with a monopod, anti-air sights, a bolt-cover, bayonet, and a quality wood furnish. The bolt action cycles very fast and accuracy is exceptional
  • gameplay: Veteran Difficulty now enables true Field of View for extreme challenge. You can set up a "Custom" campaign with similar values to Veteran if you wish to avoid it
  • gameplay: added Player Survivability Boost to Easy (+50%) and Hard (+20%). xp and rp modifiers also tweaked
  • gameplay: flatlined all weapon XP requirements to max at 10,000xp. Raised commonness of some of the super-rare guns. This will make these guns more accessible for single-run playthroughs (does not affect online Invasion)
  • single player: adjusted the Banzai Vest worn by AI soldiers to take damage much more reliably. Pacific Invasion remains unchanged
  • items: adjusted weight of most vests so there is more room for picking up loot when carrying reserve vests in your backpack
Guardian of the Online Empire
Skigameco Online
Skigameco 2 April 2020 14:46
Changelog v1.76:

maps: "Tropical Blizzard" map added. A winter theme map based on Vigil island
maps: "Gotcha Island" map added

maps: Vigil Island night time is set to be less dark
maps: Reversed Rattlesnake Crescent (invasion only) starting base slightly modified to reduce spawn locks

maps: Moorland Apocalypse (invasion only) starting base modified to have easier access to the stash and slightly better defense
maps: few fixes here and there

weapons: blast radius of the C4 reduced by 30%, also reduced the push effect and the screen shakiness
calls: A-10 gun run launch time reduced

calls: Artillery Strike tier 2 now fires 5 rounds instead of 8.
campaign: added possibility to restart the current map in the menu

man_vs_zombies: fixed crash when deploying a cover
man_vs_world: enemy can now toss grenades at the player

invasion: entirely re-balancing (should also be harder now)
invasion: player faction changed to Greenbelts

invasion (Pacific): player faction changed to IJA
misc: increased the player slots of the official invasion servers from 24 to 32

misc: Ice cream van is now listing content of the community box #4 in his lottery pool
misc: fixed missing kill text notifications

misc: a player can now be picked in map view for hotkey purposes
online: reworked kick/ban/penalty notifications

online: fixed in-game kick in menu to work correctly in all cases
online: fixed current weapon indicator showing up in wrong place when joining a server with no spawn points

online: improved info in ui after connecting to a server where resource checksum is mismatched with client
vehicles: fixed damage modifier causing sign change in damage (becoming repair) in certain cases

items: slightly re-balanced the item reward pool of the community box #4
ai: added support for improved target prioritization

radioview: moved the radio call menu lower
visuals: hand grenade model modified to look more realistic
Guardian of the Online Empire
Skigameco Online
Skigameco 7 May 2023 12:29
Update 1.96 Content Patch 2
dominance: added a KotH substage for the map "Rattlesnake Crescent"
dominance: reduced the size of the largest conquest substage on Moorland Apocalypse from 6 to 4 bases
dominance: split the Vigil Island conquest substage in 2 distinct ones as the substage was too big
dominance: fixed missing damage multiplicator for some vehicle MGs
dominance: fixed missing updated Warsalt Legacy overlay mask
visuals: fixed ghost shader for plants and bushes in the Warsalt Legacy map
sounds: applied volume gain to some audio files after being turned to mono
sounds: slightly reduced the dying sound of the female elites
ww2: fixed cards showing blank for Edelweiss in WW2 invasion
ww2: fixed a few translations
ww2: fixed "ww2:combined" to not be shown in the campaign menu (supposed to be quick match only)
ww2: fixed emoticons not showing up
ww2: removed the radio jammer from the player faction in "WW2:Power Junction"
Guardian of the Online Empire
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