Portal Knights v1.7.2 + All DLC - CODEX

Portal Knights - PC Game Download via Torrent
CODEX Full game FREE DOWNLOAD Latest version TORRENT

Portal Knights Game Free Download Torrent

Portal Knights is an adventure sandbox in a three-dimensional game world in which you take control of a powerful character, you can explore seamless locations, build your own houses and even castles, fight huge bosses, get materials, craft weapons and play mini-modes along with others players from all over the world. You will appear near the main castle, in which you can find secondary characters. They will teach you the basic mechanics of the game, and after that you will be able to complete story and side quests, earn in-game currency, knock out loot from dead enemies and explore a stunning and colorful world together.

This game Portal Knights is standalone and includes all content and Elves Rogues and Rifts DLC + Druids Furfolk and Relic Defense DLC from our previous releases and updated to v1.7.2.

Game Details

About This Game


In Portal Knights, defeating huge bosses, the main character will receive trophies that he can put in his own house or near, so that all players can see what achievements a particular warrior has achieved. In addition to the cooperative regime, you can visit a creative island, on which your resources and capabilities have no limits. Build huge castles, flying figures of monsters and everything you want. Performing difficult tasks in multiplayer, as well as extracting more materials, the protagonist will be able to create a unique weapon that has all kinds of magical abilities and bonuses.

Key Features

Update v1.7.2:
  • Mannequins and Pet Stations are no longer exempted from permission settings.
  • NPCs that were no longer relocate-able have been fixed.
  • Setting the host settings to “Private” no longer disables the session search in the Join menu.
  • Added another security check for character saving in multiplayer sessions.
  • Fixed a potential crash when mining many blocks and furniture in multiplayer.
  • Fixed a rare scenario where Rift Achievements progress was not saved correctly.
  • Tweaked the armor values of some end-game armor pieces.
  • Controller support has been improved in the DLC store menu.
  • Moved an incorrect recipe entry at the Altar crafting station to the Rogue crafting station.
  • Several furniture pieces didn’t stack correctly. Other furniture was sold twice by one merchant. Both cases have been fixed.
  • Pet sounds have been tweaked to occur less often and be a bit quieter. Also fixed a few minor sound issues.
  • Home island protection now works as intended on Wifi/Lan only game sessions.
  • Fixed various loca issues.

System Requirements

OS: 64bit Versions of Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
Processor: AMD Phenom(tm) 8450 Triple-Core Processor (3 CPUs), ~2.1GHz or Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 @ 3.0 GHz
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: Graphics: NVIDIA® GeForce GTX 470 (1Gb VRAM) / ATI Radeon TM HD 6870 (1Gb VRAM)
DirectX: Version 11
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 2 GB available space
Sound Card: On Board

OS: 64bit Versions of Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
Processor: AMD FX 8120 @ 3.1 GHz or Intel i3 2100 @ 3.10 GHz
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: Graphics: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 750ti, ATI Radeon™ HD 7850
DirectX: Version 11
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 2 GB available space
Sound Card: On Board


Portal Knights - PC Game Screenshot
Portal Knights - PC Game Screenshot
Portal Knights - PC Game Screenshot



1. The first thing we do is download the game’s installation files.
2. Mount or burn the ISO image in the disk emulator (UltraISO program).
3. During the installation, we specify the location on the disk where we want to install it.
4. Wait until the installation process is complete, a shortcut will appear on the desktop.
5. Download & install Update v1.7.2, in game folder.
6. Copy the cracked content from «CODEX» dir in game folder.
7. Start the game.

Download update only: Portal.Knights.Druids.Furfolk.and.Relic.Defense.Update.v1.7.2-CODEX [ 57.3 MB ]
Download update only: Portal.Knights.Elves.Rogues.and.Rifts.Update.v1.6.3-CODEX [ 75.4 MB ]
Download: Portal.Knights.Villainous.Update.v1.5.3-CODEX [ 50.39MB ]
Download: Portal.Knights.Villainous.Update.v1.5.2-CODEX [ 47.64MB ]

Download Portal Knights v1.7.2 + All DLC - CODEX

Size: 4.97 GB
Download portal_knights_druids_furfolk_and_relic_defense-codex.torrent (Downloads: )
Game Update History:
  • Portal Knights v1.7.1 → v1.7.2 [ 28.02.2020 ]
  • Portal Knights v1.6.3 → v1.7.1 [ 20.02.2020 ]
  • Portal Knights v1.6.1 → v1.6.3 [ 21.08.2019 ]
  • Portal Knights v1.5.3 → v1.6.1 [ 27.06.2019 ]

This game has been updated 28-02-2020, 17:13 to the latest version v1.7.2 + All DLC.

Comments 7

Skigameco 15 February 2018 11:33
The game is updated, there is a new update Portal Knights Adventurer's Update!
Guardian of the Online Empire
Skigameco 27 March 2018 11:03
Hotfix Available Now - Fixes NPC placement issue:
Yesterday our community reported an issue with the NPC placement in Portal Knights. Our team of developers have been quick to react and are pleased to announce a hotfix, which is available to download right now!
Guardian of the Online Empire
Portal Knights Creator's Update Available Now

Other Changes
- Reduced the size of crafting stations.
- Prices for goods and quest rewards have been rebalanced to make purchases with merchants more consistent. 
- The Jade merchant and Pet merchant events are now rare events, randomly triggered.
- Tutorial NPCs on Squire's Knoll can now be relocated.
- Some tutorial texts have been reworked to better fit the player’s journey.
- The mage weapons “Dancing Swords” have been polished.
- The first-person camera block placing animation has been changed so as not to obstruct the player’s view as much.
- Block drops from enemies have been replaced with more useful items such as recipe items for potions.
- Recipes for potions have been reworked to better aid in the player’s journey.
- Mine carts and tracks can now be mined and placed.
- Dungeon chests can now be mined once they have been opened.
- The dedicated server configuration file can now be set to create a Creative Universe.
- Tree density has been lowered on vacant islands.

- Inviting friends starts the intended pre-game UI flow now for the joining player. This means that joining players can select a character and then will be taken to the host’s game right afterwards.
- Several text cut-offs or incorrect line breaks have been fixed in various languages.
- The art for the world globe in the background of the title screen and the worldmap has been polished.
- Several HUD elements have been polished, both stylistically and concerning the layout.
- Improved HUD elements layout for split-screen mode, especially XB bar and oxygen bar.
- Player names now keep the red color correctly when switching islands whilst low on health.
- Water behaves better at underwater dungeon entrances now.
- The level of an island is now displayed shortly before spawning at the landing pad.
- Pets move less erratic now.
- The tutorial no longer marks the camera switch step as done when the player walks close to a wall.
- The character no longer dies twice when returning to the landing pad at the same time as they died.

Guardian of the Online Empire
Hotfix Update v 1.4.2 OUT NOW!
- Fixed a crash when accepting quests from NPCs on the islands “The Gate” (4-01) and “Portal Knights Sanctuary” (4-02).
- Fixed a problem with voices switching from male to female and vice versa.
- Fixed an issue that caused loot drops from chests and bosses to be for the wrong classes too often.
- Fixed and issue with the portals opening after boss-fights that they sometimes load an incorrect island in multiplayer.
- Fixed the fire in the now smaller Furnace.
- When hitting the ground during flight in Creative mode the game no longer causes damage effects.
- Removed incorrect text from item descriptions.
- Dedicated servers can now be started with the added -purgeSaveData command line argument. THIS WILL DELETE THE SAVE DATA. This feature can help setting up save data with Small or Large universes as the Small/Medium/Large settings only take effect when the previous save game has been deleted.
Guardian of the Online Empire
Informer 30 August 2018 14:40
OUT NOW - The Villainous Update (v 1.5.1)
- Three new bosses have been added – the Slime Queen, the Knight Hunter, and the All-Watcher! Quests in Port of Caul (1-07), Witchwater (2-12), and Sea of Stalks (3-06) will lead you to three epic battles. (Regeneration required.)
- The Ranger’s Guild “Bodkin’s Point” has been added to Hintertown (2-03) along with new quests, NPCs, merchants and much more to discover! (Regeneration required.)
- A “Smart Camera” option has been added and enabled by default when using a controller. The Smart Camera will automatically track the player and position itself behind them.
- New side-by-side chest menu! When you open a chest or other container, you’ll now see a handy side-by-side view of your backpack and the chest, along with shortcuts for mass item transfers and stacking.
- An unlimited water source item has been added to Creative Mode.
- Kitchen-themed items have been added to Creative Mode.
- Traps are now available for Rangers to use against enemies.
- Consumable items and recipes can now be used directly from your backpack (via the More Actions menu).
- Completed events now grant XP and gold.
- Added rare drop chance for pirate trophy to hollow knight pirates.
- Loading times have been improved.
- The sound systems have been updated to improve stability.
- Gold coin drops, rewards and prices have been rebalanced to feel more consistent.
- Splitscreen handling in the pre-game menus has been improved.
- Gaining HP or Mana no longer counts as combat.
- Fixed a bug with loot sometimes being dropped twice.
- Fixed the bug that players would sometimes get stuck.
- Fixed a memory leak.
- When returning to Maria with the C’Thiris mask equipped as a helmet, she correctly recognizes now that the player owns the mask.
- The “Shout”-quest from Guildmaster Rudyard in Fort Finch now correctly counts the Gazers that have been affected by the shout skill. 
- Fixed events with portals to have the correct portal stone color now.
- Rearranged some items in the creative mode inventory for more consistency.
- Further improved the saving process to avoid issues in certain edge-cases.
- Improved the enemy drop rates of some event specific resources.
- Improvements to UI scaling in 4k.
- The mana orb drop rate from enemies does no longer scale up with player count in multiplayer.
- Quest and boss key items can no longer be trashed.
- Improved stability for uploading and downloading workshop items on Steam.
Informer 22 October 2018 08:22
Changes in the 1.5.3 build
- Objects no longer appear invisible until mined 
- Targeting for splitscreen players has been fixed (exc. mobile)
- It is no longer possible to assign stick directions to non-stick actions
Skigameco 28 February 2020 13:13
Update v1.7.2:
Fixed issues encountered on very busy islands after updating to the version 1.7.1., such as invisible player character, invisible backpack items, crashes when leaving the island.
Restored mining efficiency of drills to the 1.6.3-values.
Fixed the “Entangle†perk on equipment.
Fixed a rare crash when talking to NPC’s in the rifts.
Fixed the drop tables of the “Slime Queenâ€, the “Knight Hunter†and the “All-Watcher†to consider Rogues and Druids correctly.
Guardian of the Online Empire
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